After the first workshop in Bad Herrenalb 2008, the QUASAR and THz-Groups jointly organize a second workshop on "Accelerator Science and Technology. During the five-day workshop the participants will actively work on the following topics:
> Ion beam-based Cancer Therapy;
> Muon and Neutrino accelerators;
> Electron Cloud Effect;
> Cyclotrons;
> Reaction Microscopes and Spectrometers.
The workshop contains sessions on complementary skills such as presentation techniques, project and time management and is targeted at researchers at the early stage of their career, i.e. M.Sc./Ph.D. students and young Postdocs.
An excursion to GSI with talks by the participants and a visit of the accelerator facility will complement the workshop.
Welcome, Overview of the QUASAR and THz Group Activities30mSeminar Room Theory Group