25 October 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
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CrowdAI : Crowdsourcing Artificial Intelligence Development using Open Data

Not scheduled
Building 3179 (CERN)

Building 3179


IdeaSquare Building - Next to the Globe of Innovation and Science (SXL1)


Mohanty Sharada (CrowdAI)


Much of academic research and problem solving happens in clustered communities; which reside in bubbles of thoughts, ideas which rarely interact. CrowdAI is an attempt to connect numerous groups of academic researchers to a community of machine learning and data science enthusiasts. Academic researchers from various sub-domains of science act as problem owners, who bring a novel problem to the table; and CrowdAI works with them to strip away the domain specific information and make the problem both appealing and approachable to a community of machine learning enthusiasts. In the process, the group of academic researchers have access to state-of-art ideas from Artificial Intelligence; and the community of Machine Learning enthusiasts get exposed to a wide variety of problems that they would normally never get to work on. This talk discusses some of our recent success stories, and the lessons we learnt from them.

Presentation materials

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