25 October 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Collaborative A.I. (Interactive Talk by Mohanty Sharada Prasanna)

25 Oct 2017, 11:30
Building 3179 (CERN)

Building 3179


IdeaSquare Building - Next to the Globe of Innovation and Science (SXL1)


Mohanty is an open source and a machine learning enthusiast.

He has previously worked with the ROOT team at CERN, and is currently part of the Doctoral Program in Biotechnology and Bioengineering at EPFL, where he is part of the Crowd AI team.

CrowdAI connects data science experts and enthusiasts with open data to solve specific problems, through challenges. The recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence research do make a lot of headlines, and a lot more promises. But can any of these breakthroughs help your research?


Presentation materials

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Mohanty Sharada Prasanna
25/10/2017, 11:30
Building timetable...