17–22 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
15th European Vacuum Conference

Uniform Magnetic Fields Effects on Secondary Electron Emission of Polycrystalline Copper

19 Jun 2018, 16:50
1h 30m
Main Lobby (CICG)

Main Lobby


Poster Vacuum in Accelerators Poster Session Tuesday


Holger Neupert (CERN)


The quest for high intensity proton circular accelerators calls for efficient electron cloud mitigation. Of particular interest is the electron cloud build-up in the steering dipole magnets necessary for the bending of particle trajectories in circular colliders. The electron cloud formation relates directly to the secondary electron yield of the accelerator’s vacuum chambers surrounding the proton beams. Even though data on secondary electron yield in presence of a magnetic field are scarce, simulations show that magnetic field can influence the secondary electron yield. To better understand the dynamic of the electron cloud build-up, we designed a new experimental setup for measuring the secondary electron yield in presence of a DC weak magnetic field (few tens of Gauss). We report on preliminary results on the effect of a magnetic field – perpendicular to the surface – on the secondary electron yield of a polycrystalline copper surface.


Valentine Petit (Ecole Doctorale Genie Electrique Electronique, Telecommunicatio)


Danilo Andrea Zanin (CERN) Holger Neupert (CERN) Dr Mauro Taborelli (CERN)

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