17–22 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
15th European Vacuum Conference

Vacuum leak testing system for the propulsion system of large spacecraft

19 Jun 2018, 16:50
1h 30m
Main Lobby (CICG)

Main Lobby


Poster Vacuum Science & Technology Poster Session Tuesday


Prof. Lichen Sun


A gas leak on orbit is a fatal fault for spacecraft, so a series of leak tests are carried out during the process of manufacturing and assembling. Helium leak testing method has much higher sensitivity than other methods. In order to gain high leak testing sensitivity, a spacecraft should undergo a helium leak test in large vacuum chamber. A vacuum leak testing system was built for the measurement of the global leakage of the large spacecraft. The vacuum chamber of the system is a cubic vacuum chamber with 4.5m in length, 4.5m in width, and 6.5m in high. The vacuum system has a DN1250 cryopump and 8 DN320 turbo molecular pumps as high vacuum system and 3 roots-screw pumps units as low vacuum system. The ultimate vacuum of the system is 5×10-4Pa, and the minimum detectable leak rate of the system is 1×10-7Pa.m3/s.

Primary author

Prof. Lichen Sun


Prof. Dgonghui Meng Mr Bin Li Mr Jian Wang Ms Rongping Shao Mr Xinfa Yu Mr Haifeng Zhang Mr Yueshuai Zhao

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