17–22 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
15th European Vacuum Conference

The finite element analysis of vacuum leak detection container

19 Jun 2018, 16:50
1h 30m
Main Lobby (CICG)

Main Lobby


Poster Vacuum Science & Technology Poster Session Tuesday


Prof. Donghui Meng


According to the requirement of vacuum leak detection container for small satellite, a set of vacuum leak detection container is developed. This paper discuss the design of model and the finite element analysis of different models. Through calculating the variation of the displacement X, Y, Z of different parts of the door and the cabinet, the stress distribution of different parts and the rotation Z of the door flange and casing flange, we determine whether the deflection of flange under internal vacuum will cause the fall of the sealing effect of the sealing ring.


Prof. Donghui Meng


Prof. Lichen Sun Prof. Jinming Chen Ms Rongping Shao Mr Xinfa Yu Mr Haifeng Zhang Mr Yueshuai Zhao

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