17–22 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
15th European Vacuum Conference

Effect on the electrical and morphological properties of Bi incorporation into ZnO:Ga and ZnO:Al thermoelectric thin films

22 Jun 2018, 11:50
Room 3 (CICG)

Room 3


Contributed Electronic Materials & Processing Electronic Materials & Processing


Mr Paulo Babo Salvador (Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho)


This work reports the effect on the electrical and morphological properties of co-doping ZnO thin films with Bi and Al/Ga. To do so, a confocal sputtering geometry was used with a Bi target and two intrinsically doped ZnO:Ga and ZnO:Al targets. By depositing at an intentional heating of 200 ºC and applying a post-deposition thermal treatment at 350 ºC and 300 ºC, for ZnO:Ga,Bi and ZnO:Al,Bi, respectively, electrical resistivity values of 1.3×10-3 ·cm and 4.8×10-4 ·cm were achieved, with an optical transmittance above 80%. The X-ray diffraction data shows that all doped ZnO films have a wurtzite hexagonal structure with preferential crystal growth perpendicular to the (002) plane. The Seebeck coefficient was measured for the ZnO:Al,Bi films, where a maximum value of -48 µV·K-1 was registered. The optimized electrical properties were correlated with the preferential crystalline texture along [001] and the corresponding current density applied to the Bi dopant target, J(Bi). ZnO:Al,Bi films present out-of-plane compression stress, which concomitantly increases with J(Bi), due to higher compact volume of unit cell with lower lattice parameter c when compared with the undoped ZnO. By controlling the incorporation of Bi, the deposition temperature and the post-deposition thermal treatment temperature, improvements on the thermoelectric power factor of ZnO:Ga and ZnO:Al thin films can be achieved. Thermal conductivity results were correlated with the thermoelectric results in order to attain a thermoelectric figure of merit.

Keywords: Thin films, ZnO, Seebeck coefficient, thermoelectric, TCO


Mr Paulo Babo Salvador (Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho)


Mr Filipe Costa Correia (Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho) Ms Joana Margarida Ribeiro (Centro de Física da Universidade do Minho) Prof. Adélio Mendes (Faculdade da Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) Prof. Carlos José Tavares (Cento de Física da Universidade do Minho)

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