17–22 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
15th European Vacuum Conference

Study on the helium permeability of graphene oxide membranes for leak testing

19 Jun 2018, 16:50
1h 30m
Main Lobby (CICG)

Main Lobby


Poster Vacuum Science & Technology Poster Session Tuesday


Guohua Ren (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering)


As the development of electronic technique and miniaturization of vacuum electronic devices, it has higher demands for their lifetime and reliability.In order to meet the sealing performance requirements, extra-high sensitive mass spectrometer leak detection method is developed. So the leak rate of 10-15Pa•m3 / s on the order of the standard leakage is demanded. Increasing the number of holes in the graphene on the artificial control, the leak rate of grapheme would be improved. Based on this idea, a certain defective graphene as a penetrating element, using in the ultra-sensitive leak detection can be made. In this paper the relationship among the permeability of helium and the pressure difference and the thickness of the GO membrane were studied. The permeation mechanism of GO membrane of the minimal leak rate was discussed, which provides a reference for the study of ultra-sensitive leak detection technology.


Guohua Ren (Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering)


Prof. Meng Donghui Prof. Yan Rongxin Dr Wang Lina Mr Guo Chongwu Mr Li Zheng

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