17–22 Jun 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
15th European Vacuum Conference

Trapped aqueous films lubricate a highly-hydrophobic surface.

20 Jun 2018, 13:40
Room 2 (CICG)

Room 2


Contributed Thin Film & Surface Engineering Thin Films & Surface Engineering


Dr Irit Rosenhek-Goldian


Friction at hydrophobic surfaces in aqueous media is ubiquitous (e.g. prosthetic implants, contact lenses), but is not well understood. Here we measure directly both normal forces and sliding friction in an aqueous environment between a hydrophilic surface (single-crystal mica) and a stable, smooth, strongly hydrophobic surface (a spin-cast fluoropolymer film), using a surface force balance. Normal-force vs. surface-separation profiles indicate a high negative charge density on the hydrophobic surface, in line with previous studies where it is commonly attributed to adsorbed –OH- ions. Sliding of the compressed surfaces under water or in salt solution (0.1M NaCl) reveals remarkably low friction (friction coefficient  ≈ 0.003 – 0.009) up to contact pressures of at least 50 atm (ca. 5 MPa). This is attributed to hydration lubrication mediated by hydrated counterions trapped between the surfaces: hydronium ions in the case of water or Na+ ions in the salt solution. Our results show that lubrication at a hydrophobic surface under water can occur via mechanisms hitherto associated only with hydrophilic surfaces.

Primary author

Dr Irit Rosenhek-Goldian


Dr Nir Kampf Prof. Jacob Klein

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