1–2 Mar 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone


Communities using Rucio

1 Mar 2018, 14:30
40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie (CERN)

40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie


The workshop will take place at CERN. Please specify when you register if you don't have access to CERN so that we can take care of granting you temporary access cards. Connection via Eduroam is available. You just have to enter your university, research institute or CERN (instructions) credentials to connect.
Show room on map

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN)
01/03/2018, 14:30
Boris Bauermeister (Stockholm University)
01/03/2018, 14:50
Fa-Hui Lin (Academia Sinica (TW))
01/03/2018, 15:10
Building timetable...