8–9 Mar 2018
Bucharest, Romania
Europe/Bucharest timezone


There is a rather large selection of hotels available in Bucharest. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation.

We have reserved a block of rooms (37 rooms) at the Hotel Capitol:

Reservation will be made individually by the participants at the reservations@hotelcapitol.ro email address with reservation code: "FAST annual meeting" and the accommodation cost can be paid in euro too.

The rooms are booked until 20.02.2018.

We also prebooked a number of 30 single rooms at Ramada Bucharest Majestic Hotel (just across the street). Participants have to send the reservation form available here  to reservations@ramadamajestic.ro before 15.02.2018.

Many other hotels are in the neighborhood and can be booked using www.booking.com, www.hotels.com, or any other booking sites.