A map & information about travelling to RAL is in http://www.rc-harwell.ac.uk/location.html .
A plan of the interior of the RAL site is in http://tomalini.web.cern.ch/tomalini/RAL_sitemap.pdf .
You should go to the R75 "Reception" building, who will direct you to the Pickavance Lecture Theatre (in building R22 next to the main restaurant). Our lunch & coffee breaks take place immediately outside this Lecture Theatre in the R22 coffee lounge. It may take ~5 minutes for you to clear security at reception.
The Steering Committee meeting in the morning is in the PPD meeting room (R1.2.84) in the main Particle Physics Dept. building.
If you need to park a car, you can do this either in the bus station, (which is shown as the blue-coloured "visitor car park" at the top-right-hand corner of the RAL site map) or on the small white car park to the South of building R89.
It is wise to register in advance, since you will struggle to convince otherwise RAL security that you are not a terrorist.
If you come via Didcot train station, you can catch a taxi to RAL. It takes about 20 mins. You can book it with Pryors Taxis 01235 812346, although taxis usuall wait at the station anyway.
If you need to spend the night, the hotel Ridgeway House on the RAL site is most convenient http://www.stfc.ac.uk/about-us/where-we-work/rutherford-appleton-laboratory/ridgeway-house/ .
Wireless will be available with EduRoam authentification.