11–15 Mar 2018
Kopaonik, Serbia
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Scalar mesons: fifty years of challenging the quark model

12 Mar 2018, 09:30
Kopaonik, Serbia

Kopaonik, Serbia

Hotel Angella 43.2853° N, 20.8094° E Kopaonik бб, 36354 Kopaonik Serbia


Dr George Rupp (CeFEMA/IST)


Five decades of work on the light scalar-meson nonet composed of $f_0(500)$, $f_0(980)$, $K_0^\star(800)$, and $a_0(980)$, as well as on other scalar mesons, will be briefly reviewed. The different phenomenological descriptions include tetraquark bound states, pure meson-meson models, unitarised effective chiral approaches, unitarised quark models, and lattice-QCD simulations. Also, the charmed-strange scalar meson $D_{s0}^\star(2317)$ is shown to be an excellent laboratory for studying the scalar-meson dynamics. Very recent lattice results are presented that confirm the dynamical quark-antiquark/meson-meson picture successfully modelled by us long ago.


Dr George Rupp (CeFEMA/IST) Prof. Eef Van Beveren (Department of Physics, University of Coimbra)

Presentation materials