PICO is a bubble chamber experiment for the direct detection of dark matter, and currently holds the world-leading limits in the spin-dependant WIMP (dark matter particle candidate) interaction sector. In order to search for low mass WIMPs (~ GeV scale), scattering on light target nuclei - especially protons - would substantially improve the sensitivity reach of PICO.
In this talk I will present work done with the PICO-0.1 calibration chamber for the detection of proton recoils in this type of detector. First, using C2ClF5 as the active fluid, the reaction ^{35}Cl (n_th, p) ^{35}S was studied by detecting the 600 keV protons via their acoustic signature. In a follow-up experiment using superheated C2H2F4, we could observe for the first time the elastic scattering of low energy 22 keV neutrons and protons. Finally, I shall discuss the sensitiviy reach of the PICO-40L detector filled with hydrogenated target fluids.