Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2018 CAP Congress / Congrès de l'ACP 2018

from Sunday 10 June 2018 (07:00) to Saturday 16 June 2018 (23:59)
Dalhousie University

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Jun 2018
11 Jun 2018
12 Jun 2018
13 Jun 2018
14 Jun 2018
15 Jun 2018
07:00 --- Cafeteria open for breakfast (7-10 am; $8.50) | Caféteria ouvert pour déjeuner (07h00-10h00; 8,50 $) ---
08:00 --- Congress Registration | Inscription au congrès ---
Soft Matter Canada 2018 | Matière molle Canada 2018 - Andrew Rutenberg (Dalhousie University) (until 19:30) (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
09:15 A new perspective on the wetting of a solid surface by the drops of an emulsion (I) - Arun Ramachandran (University of Toronto)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
09:45 How molecular crowding controls the spatial organization of biopolymers in a confined space - Prof. Bae-Yeun Ha (University of Waterloo)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
10:00 Probing the structure of electrochemically aggregated collagen - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
10:15 MacSANS: a new Small Angle Neutron Scattering facility at McMaster University - Patrick Clancy (McMaster University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Morphology of ion-conducting polymers (I) - Prof. Barbara Frisken (Simon Fraser University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
11:30 Organelles without borders: How phase transitions functionally organize living cells (I) - Prof. Stephanie Weber   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
12:00 Quantitatively Accurate Simulations for Block Copolymer Melts (I) - Prof. Mark Matsen (University of Waterloo)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
12:30 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Manufacturing Novel Biomaterials by Elongation of Fibers from Highly Viscous Polymer Solutions (I) - Dr John Frampton (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
14:00 Collagen fibril’s plastic damage: the rope and tube duality (I) - Laurent Kreplak (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
14:30 Three-dimensional soft tunable platforms for control of cell-matrix interactions (I) - Prof. Delphine Gourdon (Physics - University of Ottawa)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
15:00 --- Coffee Break ---
15:30 Electrochemical gelation of telechelic protein polymers (I) - Prof. James L. Harden (University of Ottawa)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:00 Characterization of the structure and function of self-assembling hydrophobin proteins - Dr David Langelaan (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:15 Free energy of a folded semiflexible polymer confined to a nanochannel of various geometries - James Polson (University of Prince Edward Island)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:30 Folding landscapes of shape-shifting proteins: insights from a 3-letter coarse-grained model - Stefan Wallin (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:00 Water Models: adventures in parametrization (G) - Prof. Björn Baumeier (Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science & Institute for Complex Molecular Systems)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:02 High-Throughput 3D Neural Cell Culture Analysis Facilitated by Aqueous Two-Phase Systems (G) - Kristin Robin Ko (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:04 Bioprinting of Three-Dimensional Multicellular Skin Constructs (G) - Ms Rishima Agarwal (School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University )   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:06 --- POS-58 Study of a field-tunable colloid-polymer solution by Shivani Semwal (G)* ---
17:08 --- POS-59 Effect of diffusion of cell lysate in a model polymer, via pulse gradient NMR by Yanitza Trosel Arroyo (G)* ---
17:10 --- POS-60 Polymer dynamics in a gel network: the effect of confinement by Venketesh Thrithamara (G)* ---
17:12 POS-68 Stress Relaxation Mechanism of Single Collagen Fibrils and Relaxation Induced Morphological Changes (G) - S M Asif Iqbal (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:14 Multisequence algorithm for coarse-grained biomolecular simulations: Exploring the sequence-structure relationship of proteins (G) - Mr Adekunle Aina (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:16 Polymorphism of stable collagen fibrils (G) - Samuel Cameron (Dalhousie)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
18:00 --- Dinner ---
SUN-Bd CAP Board Orientation | Réunion d'orientation du CA de l'ACP - Stephen Pistorius (CCMB, University of Manitoba) (until 11:30) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
10:30 --- SMC Health Break | Pause santé ---
11:00 --- Cafeteria open for lunch (11h00-14h00; $10) | Caféteria ouvert pour dîner (11h00-14h00; 10 $) ---
11:00 --- Congress Registration | Inscription au congrès ---
07:00 --- Cafeteria open for breakfast (7-10 am; $8.50) | Caféteria ouvert pour déjeuner (07h00-10h00; 8,50 $) ---
07:30 --- Congress Registration and Information | Inscription au congrès et information ---
Teachers' Day - morning workshop | Journée des enseignants - atelier du matin - Ted Monchesky (Dalhousie University) Stephen Payne (Dalhousie University) Andrew Rutenberg (Dalhousie University) (until 12:30) (McCain 2021 (cap.36))
Congress Welcoming Remarks | Ouverture du Congrès - Stephen Pistorius (CCMB, University of Manitoba) (until 09:15) (McCain Ondaatji Hall)
M-PLEN1 - Plenary Session (S. Nagler) | Session plénière (S. Nagler) - Graeme Luke (McMaster University) (until 10:00) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
09:15 Pulsed neutrons, fractional excitations, and quantum spin liquids - Dr Stephen Nagler (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
M-PLEN2 Plenary Session - Towards a More Inclusive Physics | Session plénière - Vers une physique plus inclusive - Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University) (until 10:45) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
10:00 Towards a More Inclusive Physics - Nergis Mavalvala (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dr Edmund Bertschinger (MIT)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall)
10:45 --- Health Break (Travel time to technical sessions) / Pause santé (Transfert vers les sessions techniques) ---
11:00 --- Cafeteria open for lunch (11h00-14h00; $10.00) / Caféteria ouvert pour dîner (11h00-14h00; 10,00 $) ---
M1-1 Ultrafast EM waves I: Materials Science (DAMOPC/DCMMP) | Ondes EM ultrarapides I: Sciences des matériaux (DPAMPC/DPMCM) - François Légaré (INRS) Kimberly Hall (U. Dalhousie) (until 12:30) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
11:15 Waveform control for attoscience in condensed matter (I) - Dr TJ Hammond (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
11:45 Attosecond-Resolved Soft X-Ray Excitonics (I) - Dr Julien B. Bertrand (Laval University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
12:15 Simultaneous Adiabatic Rapid Passage in Multiple Quantum Dots (G) - Mr Ajan Ramachandran (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
M1-2 Particle Physics I (PPD) | Physique des particules I (PPD) - Juan-Pablo Yanez (University of Alberta) (until 12:30) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
11:15 Standard Model and Higgs results from ATLAS (I) - Riccardo Di Sipio (University of Toronto (CA))   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
11:45 Massive Neutrino Search in $\pi \rightarrow e \nu$ Decay - Dr Tristan Sullivan (Queen's University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
12:00 Research and Development for the NEWS-G Dark Matter experiment - Dr Philippe Gros (Queen's University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
12:15 Past, present and future activities of NEWS-G at the LSM and SNOLAB - Dr Quentin ARNAUD (Queen's University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
M1-3 Theory, Modelling, and Forecasting I (DASP) I Théorie, modélisation et prévisions I (DPAE) - Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary) (until 12:30) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
11:15 The impact of the observation of local ionospheric anomalies on our understanding of ionospheric-magnetospheric coupling. (I) - Prof. Jean-Pierre St-Maurice (University of Saskatchewan)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
11:45 GLOBAL MODELLING OF MAGNETOSPHERE-IONOSPHERE COUPLING: EPOP-SWARM OBSERVATIONS (I) - Prof. Robert Rankin (University of Alberta)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
12:15 Kinetic simulations of needle probes on cubeSats - Prof. Richard Marchand (University of Alberta)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
M1-4 Quantum Theory (DTP) | Théorie quantique (DPT) - Peter Blunden (University of Manitoba) (until 12:15) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
11:15 Vortices and the fine structure of quantum light-cones (G)* - Wyatt Kirkby (McMaster University)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
11:30 Thermalization by Rapid Bombardment (G)* - Daniel Grimmer (University of Waterloo)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
11:45 Gravity in quantum systems: lessons from spectroscopy - Dr Rob Scott (University of Brest)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
12:00 Modification of Landau levels and degeneracy due to a parallel linear electric field - Yann Audin (Bishop's University)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
M1-5 Nuclear Astrophysics (DNP) | Astrophysique nucléaire (DPN) - Chris Ruiz (TRIUMF) (until 12:30) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
11:15 Investigating key reactions of nuclear astrophysics interest using the DRAGON recoil separator (I) - Dr Annika Lennarz (TRIUMF)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
11:45 Investigation of High-Lying (alpha,g) Resonances in 22Ne via High-Resolution Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Inverse Kinematics (G)* - Beau Greaves (University of Guelph)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
12:00 Evolution of the N = 32 shell closure in neutron-rich Ti & V isotopes at TRIUMF. (G)* - Ms Eleanor Dunling (University of York/TRIUMF)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
12:15 Half-Lives of the Neutron-Rich $N\approx82$ Isotopes $^{128-130}$Cd and $^{131}$In (G)* - Ryan Dunlop (University of Guelph)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
M1-6 Biophysics, microscopy and diseases (DPMB) / Biophysique, microscopie et maladies (DPMB) - Dr. Laurent Kreplak (Dalhousie University) (until 12:30) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
11:15 Scaling Laws and Global Dimensions of Disordered Proteins: Single-molecule Data and Polymer Physics Theory (I) - Prof. Claudiu Gradinaru (University of Toronto)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
11:45 Polarization based imaging of amyloid in the retina gives a biomarker of severity of Alzheimer’s disease - Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
12:00 Biophysics approaches to study molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease. - Prof. Zoya Leonenko (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
12:15 Bayesian Estimation of Photobleaching Steps with Physical Priors - Andrew Rutenberg (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
M1-7 New Perspectives on the Status of Women in Physics - Jill Marshall (DPE/HS) - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University) (until 12:30) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
11:45 New Perspectives on the Status of Women in Physics - Jill Marshall (University of Texas)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
07:00 --- Cafeteria open for breakfast (7-10 am; $8.50) / Caféteria ouvert pour déjeuner (07h00-10h00; 8,50 $) ---
07:30 --- Congress Registration and Information | Inscription au congrès et information ---
Science Policy Committee Breakfast Meeting / Réunion-déjeuner du Comité de politique scientifique - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland) (until 09:00) (McCain 2021 (cap.36))
T1-1 Energy Storage 1 (DCMMP) | Accumulation d'énergie 1 (DPMCM) -Prof. Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University) (until 09:00) (CHANGED TO McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
08:00 Extracting State Information from Batteries with Electrochemical Acoustic Signal Interpretation (I) - Dan Steingart (Princeton University)   (CHANGED TO McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
08:30 Ultrafast time resolution in AFM measurements of charge transport in sustainable energy materials (I) - Prof. Peter Grutter (Dep. of Physics, McGill Univesrity)   (CHANGED TO McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
T1-2 Special CAP Plasma Physics Session: in Memory of Prof. Akira Hirose (DPP) l Session spéciale en physique des plasmas: À la mémoire du prof. Akira Hirose (DPP) - Michael Bradley (University of Saskatchewan) (until 09:00) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
08:00 Simulation-based interpretation of Langmuir probe measurements (I) - Richard Marchand (University of Alberta)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
08:30 Fueling and Momentum Injection into the STOR-M tokamak (I) - Chijin Xiao (University of Saskatchewan)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
T1-3 Ground-based and In Situ Observations I (DASP) l Observations terrestres et In situ I (DPAE) - Bea Gallardo-Lacourt (University of Calgary) (until 09:00) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
08:00 Unique local results from a polar cap event with an extremely strong electric field of long duration. - Jean-Pierre St-Maurice (University of Saskatchewan)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
08:15 Dayside reverse plasma flows for northward IMF as seen by the SuperDARN and RISR-C radars (G)* - Mr Peter Bankole (U of Saskatchewan)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
08:30 Science Effects of Observing Affects of Langmuir Probe Coatings on Swarm (G)* - Ms Candice Quinn (University of Calgary)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
T1-4 Mathematical Physics (DTP) | Physique mathématique (DPT) - Hubert de Guise (until 09:00) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
08:00 An Analytic Approach for the Energy Eigenvalues Solutions in a Double-Well Potential - Prof. Sree Ram Valluri (Uuniversity of Western Ontario)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
08:15 A path to correspondence rules for SU3 Wigner function (G)* - Mr Alex Clesio Nunes Martins (Graduate Student)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
08:30 Investigating a stellar system interior with an erfc metric. - Prof. Réjean Plamondon (École Polytechnique de Montréal)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
08:45 Optimised explicit finite difference scheme for the KdV equation - Dr Olaoluwa Jejeniwa (The Kola Scholar- Centre for Higher Education Research (CHER), South Africa.)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
T1-5 Quirks and Quarks (PPD/DTP) I « Quirks » et quarks (PPD/DPT) - Claudio Kopper (University of Alberta) (until 08:45) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
08:00 *** Withdrawn ***AdS/QCD predictions for B decay to K^* and two neutrinos - Mohammad Ahmady (Mount Allison University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
08:15 QCD-constrained dynamical spin effects in the pion. - Ruben Sandapen (Acadia University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
08:30 Masses of Light Quarkonium $0^{+-}$ Hybrids from Gaussian Sum-Rules - Dr Derek Harnett (University of the Fraser Valley)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
T1-6 Topics in medical physics and biophysics (DPMB) / Sujets en physique médicale et biophysique (DPMB) - Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 09:00) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:00 Simulation of Induced Eddy Current and Heat Dissipation of MRI-compatible PET Detector due to an MRI Varying Magnetic Field (G)* - Ms Narjes Moghadam (universite de Sherbrooke)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:15 Organic semiconductor radiation dosimeters - Irina Valitova (Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:30 Copper stable isotope redistribution is regulated by gut bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of mice (G) - Kerri Miller (University of Calgary)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:45 *** Not in competition ***Competition During Reprogramming Gives Rise to Deterministically Elite Clones. (G) - Sophie McGibbon-Gardner (University of Toronto)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
T1-7 Workshop: Preparing Your Teaching Dossier (DPE) | Atelier: Préparation de votre dossier d'enseignement (DEP) - Patricia Mitchler (until 09:00) (CHANGED TO SUB 303 (cap.100))
08:00 Teaching Dossier Workshop - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)   (CHANGED TO SUB 303 (cap.100))
Exhibit booths open 08:30-16:00 | Salle d'exposition ouverte de 08h30 à 16h00 (until 16:00) (SUB McInnes Hall)
09:00 --- Travel time to Plenary Lecture | Transfert vers la conférence plénière ---
T-Plen-1 - Plenary Session - (J.Dutcher, Guelph U.) | Session pléniaire (J. Dutcher, Guelph U.) - Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University) (until 09:45) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
09:15 Soft Colloids, Hard Science and the Path from Discovery to Commercialization - John Dutcher   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
09:45 --- Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) ---
NSERC Presentation | Présentation du CRSNG - Rituparna Kanungo (Saint Mary's University) (until 11:15) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
11:00 --- Cafeteria open for lunch (11h00-14h00; $10) / Caféteria ouvert pour dîner (11h00-14h00; 10 $) ---
11:15 --- Travel time to technical sessions l Transfert vers les sessions techniques ---
T2-1 Ultrafast EM waves III: Quantum Control (DAMOPC/DCMMP) | | Ondes EM ultrarapides III: Contrôle quantique (DPAMPC/DPMCM) - Kimberley Hall (Dalhousie University) Francois Legare (INRS-EMT) (until 12:30) (CHANGED TO McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
11:30 Room-temperature quantum fluids of light (I) - Stéphane Kena-Cohen (Polytechnique Montreal)   (CHANGED TO McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
12:00 Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy of semiconductor excitons, biexcitons and polaritons (I) - Prof. Alan Bristow (West Virginia University)   (CHANGED TO McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
T2-2 Round-table Discussion: How can we measure good teaching? (DPE) | Table ronde: Comment mesurer le bon enseignement? (DEP) - Patricia Mitchler (until 12:30) (CHANGED TO SUB 303 (cap. 100))
11:30 Roundtable Discussion: How can we measure good teaching? (I) - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)   (CHANGED TO SUB 303 (cap. 100))
T2-3 Ground-based and in Situ Observations II (DASP) l Observations terrestres et In situ II (DPAE) - William Ward (University of New Brunswick) (until 12:30) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
11:30 STEVE, the mysterious subauroral optical structure (I) - Bea Gallardo-Lacourt (University of Calgary)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
12:00 Science Highlights from the Swarm Electric Field Instruments - Prof. David Knudsen (University of Calgary)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
12:15 Assessment of Swarm ionospheric flow measurements by inter-satellite comparisons - Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
T2-4 Medical Imaging 1 (DPMB) | Imagerie médicales 1 (DPMB) - Philippe Després (Université Laval) (until 12:30) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
11:30 Range and dose verification for proton therapy using using gamma spectroscopy of contrast agents. (G)* - Eva Kasanda (University of Guelph)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
11:45 Plastic scintillators as in-vivo dosimeters for photons and electrons in external beam radiation therapy: Angular dependence of response (G) - Ethan Avila   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
12:00 *WITHDRAWN* -- Multi-Modality Comparison of Wrist and Ankle joints: A Feasibility Study - David Tessier (The University of Western Ontario)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
12:15 Laplacian-Inspired Design of a Highly-Homogeneous, RF Shielded Magnet for Low-Field TRASE MRI (G)* - K. M. Smith (University of Manitoba)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
T2-5 Instrumentation and Imaging (DAPI) | Instrumentation et imagerie (DPAI) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 12:30) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
11:30 Gas Flow Velocity Field and Turbulent Anisotropy Measurements using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (G)* - Amy-Rae Gauthier (University of New Brunswick)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
11:45 A New Pathway for Robust High-Resolution Imaging and Quantitative Force Spectroscopy in Vacuum: Tuned-Oscillator Atomic Force Microscopy - Dr Omur E. Dagdeviren (McGill University)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
12:00 Multi-Wavelength Light Trapping Using Width-Graded Plasmonic Nanogratings (G)* - Katelyn Dixon (University of Toronto)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
12:15 On an alternative neutron source - Dr Genevieve Harrisson (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
T2-6 Experimental Techniques (DCMMP) | Techniques expérimentales (DPMCM) - Graeme Luke (McMaster University) (until 12:30) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
11:30 quasiparticle research on 3d material using ARPES - xiaoyu cui (Canadian Light Source)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
11:45 Design Study for CLS 2.0 - Dr Mark Boland (CLS)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
12:00 Submolecular scale mapping of the Hubbard U - Prof. Sarah Burke (University of British Columbia)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
12:15 MacSANS: Small Angle Neutron Scattering for Nanostructured Materials at McMaster University - Patrick Clancy (McMaster University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
T2-7 Testing Fundamental Symmetries II (DTP/PPD/DNP) I Tests de symétries fondamentales II (DPT/PPD/DPN) - Rainer Dick (University of Saskatchewan) (until 12:30) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
11:30 Hadronic effects in parity-violating electron-proton scattering at low energies (I) - Prof. Peter Blunden (University of Manitoba)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
12:00 Particle Physics at the Precision Frontier (I) - Prof. Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Grenfell Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
CNILC Breakfast Meeting / Réunion du comité de liaison national canadien de l'UIPPA - Rituparna Kanungo (Saint Mary's University) (until 09:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
07:00 --- Cafeteria open for breakfast (7-10 am; $8.50) / Caféteria ouvert pour déjeuner (07h00-10h00; 8,50 $) ---
PiC Editorial Board Breakfast Meeting / Réunion du Comité de rédaction de La Physique au Canada (déjeuner) - Bela Joos (University of Ottawa) (until 08:45) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
07:30 --- Congress Registration and Information / Inscription au congrès et information ---
W1-1 Pattern Formation and Statistical Mechanics of Non-Equilibrium Systems (DCMMP) | Formation de motif et mécanique statistique des systèmes hors d'équilibre (DPMCM) -Prof. Stephen Morris (University of Toronto) (until 10:00) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
08:00 Experimental and Computational Studies of 1D and 2D Chimera States in Populations of Coupled Chemical Oscillators (I) - Prof. Ken Showalter (West Virginia University, USA)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
08:30 Icicle Ripples: examining a phase transition with impurities (G)* - John Ladan (University of Toronto)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
08:45 Critical failure can be tuned by material rheology: A model and a case study. - Jordi Baro Urbea (University of Calgary)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
09:00 *** Withdrawn*** Nonlocal models in pattern formation (I) - Prof. Theodore Kolokolnikov (Dalhousie)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
09:00 Shinning light on surface reactions: Real Time Imaging and Control of Catalytic Reactions - Harm Rotermund (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
09:30 Effect of cross-linking on the size-distribution of collagen fibrils (G)* - Samuel Cameron (Dalhousie)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
W1-2 Strategies and Good Practices for Teaching Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOPC/DPE) | Stratégies et bonnes pratiques d'enseignement de la physique atomique, moléculaire et optique (DPAMPC/DEP) - Adriana Predoi-Cross (University of Lethbridge) (until 09:45) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
08:00 Towards passive polarization compensation of quantum key distribution signals for free-space quantum communication (G)* - Ramy Tannous (University of Waterloo)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
08:15 Antihydrogen 1S-2P Spectroscopy (G)* - Mr Andrew Evans (University of Calgary)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
08:30 Teaching optical physics at the graduate level: research and career objectives help determine content and methods of delivery (I) - Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
09:00 Atomic Theory: Drilling Down to New Physics (I) - Dr Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
09:30 Pedagogical development of upper-level electrodynamics as a foundation for AMO Physics - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
W1-3 Particle Physics VI (PPD) I Physique des particules VI (PPD) - Claudio Kopper (University of Alberta) (until 09:30) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
08:00 The ATLAS Upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC (I) - Dr Nigel Hessey (TRIUMF)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
08:30 Rn-222 Concentrations within the Water Phase of the SNO+ Experiment (G)* - Pooja Woosaree (Laurentian University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
08:45 SNO+ Calibration with the 16N Source (G)* - Pouya Khaghani (Laurentian University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
09:00 Bubble growth dynamics in the PICO bubble chambers (G)* - Alexandre Le Blanc (Laurentian University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
09:15 Quenching factor for NEWS-G (G)* - Mrs Marie Vidal   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
W1-4 Translational Research in Medical Physics Symposium (DPMB/DAPI) | Symposium de recherche translationnelle en physique médicale (DPMB/DPAI) -Mr Tim Bardouille (Dalhousie University) Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 09:45) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
08:00 CT imaging in small animal research: Have we reached the limit? (I) - Magdalena Bazalova-Carter (University of Victoria)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
08:30 Automated Optimization of Dynamic MRI Data Acquisition and Reconstruction Parameters using Image Quality Metrics (I) - Dr Steven Beyea (BIOTIC, IWK/QEII Health Sciences Centre)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
09:00 Binary Collimation for Multiple Brain Metastases Radiosurgery (G, I) - Mr R Lee MacDonald (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
09:15 Creating Research that Translates to Widespread Clinical Use (I) - Dr Michelle Svatos (University of Wisconsin)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
W1-5 Fields and Strings I (DTP) | Champs et cordes I (DPT) -Prof. Cliff Burgess (McMaster U/Perimeter Inst.) (until 09:45) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:00 A dispersion relation for conformal theories (I) - Prof. Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:30 Decay of the false Skyrmions - Prof. Manu Paranjape   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
08:45 **** Withdrawn *** Entanglement harvesting in Anti-de Sitter space and beyond (G) - Keith Ng (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
09:00 On the Validity of High-Temperature, Quasi-Periodic Solutions in AdS$_4$ (G)* - Brad Cownden (University of Manitoba)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
09:15 Gradient Flow in Holographic Superconductors (G) - Paul Mikula (University of Manitoba)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
09:30 A Geometric Theory of Plant Growth - Prof. David Hobill (University of Calgary)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
Exhibit booths open 08:30-16:00 | Salle d'exposition ouverte de 08h30 à 16h00 (until 15:30) (SUB - McInnes Hall)
09:45 --- Health Break (with exhibitors) | Pause santé (avec exposants) ---
W-MEDAL1 CAP-CRM Prize Talk | Prix ACP-CRM - Ariel Zhitnitsky, UBC - Manu Paranjape (Université de Montréal) (until 10:45) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
W-MEDAL2 CAP Lifetime Achievement Medal | Médaille pour contributions exceptionnelles de carrière - Jean-Michel Poutissou, TRIUMF - Reiner Kruecken (TRIUMF) (until 11:15) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
10:45 Studying the weak interaction with a strong team at TRIUMF - Jean-Michel POUTISSOU (TRIUMF)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
11:00 --- Cafeteria open for lunch (11h00-14h00; $10) / Caféteria ouvert pour dîner (11h00-14h00; 10 $) ---
11:15 --- Travel time to technical sessions | Transfert vers les sessions techniques ---
W2-1 Pattern Formation 2 (DCMMP) | Formation de motif 2 (DPMCM) - Jordi Baro Urbea (University of Calgary) (until 12:30) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
11:30 Pilot-wave hydrodynamics (I) - Prof. John Bush (MIT)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
12:00 Power-law Viscoelastic Rheology Controls the Occurrence of Aftershocks - Dr Robert Shcherbakov (Western University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
12:15 Unveiling criticality in noisy nonequilibrium systems (G)* - Daniel Korchinski (The University of Calgary)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
W2-2 Light-Matter Interactions I (DAMOPC) | Interactions lumière-matière (DPAMPC) - John Davis (University of Alberta) (until 12:30) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
11:30 Intense Laser Solid State Physics: Bridging the Gap between Attosecond Science and Solid State Physics (I) - Dr Chris McDonald (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
12:00 Quantum fluctuations in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates and Bose-Bose mixtures (G) - Mr Daniel Edler (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Leibniz University of Hannover)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
12:15 A theoretical model of the "transverse optical magnetism" phenomenon - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
W2-3 Particle Physics VII (PPD) | Physique des particules VII (PPD) - Akira Konaka (TRIUMF) (until 12:30) (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
11:30 Separation of Cherenkov and Scintillation Light in SNO+ (G)* - Liz Fletcher (Queen's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
11:45 Infrared Photon Interactions in SuperCDMS Detectors (G)* - Mr Muad Ghaith (Queen's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
12:00 Detection of proton recoils with the PICO-0.1 test bubble chamber (G)* - Frédéric Tardif (Université de Montréal)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
12:15 PICO40L neutron background simulation (G)* - Arthur Plante (Université de Montréal)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
W2-4 General Relativity II (DTP) | Relativité générale II (DPT) -Prof. Masoud Ghezelbash (University of Saskatchewan) (until 12:30) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
11:30 Surprising consequences of a positive cosmological constant (I) - Dr Beatrice Bonga (Perimeter Institute)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
12:00 The nuts and bolts of higher curvature gravity (G)* - Mr Robie Hennigar (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
12:15 *** Withdrawn *** Cuscuton Bounce (G)* - Hyung Jin Kim (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
W2-5 COMP Special Session (DPMB) | Session spéciale de l'OCPM (DPMB) - Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 12:30) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
11:30 Monte Carlo simulations for magnetic resonance guided radiation therapy dosimetry (I) - Dr Victor N. Malkov (Carleton University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
12:00 Seeing is Believing: New Imaging Physics to Transform Asthma Patient outcomes (I) - Prof. Grace Parraga (Western University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
W2-6 Inclusive Science Education (Part 1) (DPE/CEWIP) I Éducation scientifique inclusive (1ère partie) (DEP/CEFEP) - Patricia Mitchler (until 12:30) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
11:30 Fostering Physics Identity to Support Young Women in Physics Education (I) - Ms Lindsay Mainhood (Queens University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
12:00 How to keep more students in physics: Ideas from the literature (G)* - Laura Stiles-Clarke (St. Francis Xavier University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
12:15 Report on the 2018 Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) and evolution of an APS-CAP partnership - Brigitte Vachon (McGill University (CA))   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
06:05 --- Congress Registration and Information / Inscription au congrès et information ---
07:00 --- Breakfast in cafeteria / Déjeuner à la cafeteria (ticket required / billet requis) ---
CINP Board meeting / Réunion du conseil de l'ICPN - Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 08:00) (McCain 2021 (cap. 36))
: R1-5 History of Physics (DHP) | Histoire de la physique (DHP) -Prof. Louis Marchildon (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) (until 09:00) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
08:00 Two Hundred Years of Physics at Dalhousie (I) - Prof. Manfred Jericho (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
08:30 John Stuart Foster and Canada's First Cyclotron - Prof. David Hanna   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
08:45 The Role of the Cyclotrons in Photosynthesis Research - Dr Francesco Barletta (Centre matapédien d'études collégiales)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
R1-1 Theoretical Modeling of Materials 1 (DCMMP) | La modélisation théorique de matériaux 1 (DPMCM) - William Witczak-Krempa (Universite de Montreal) (until 09:00) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
08:00 Electronic States of the Moiré superlattice (I) - Prof. Hong Guo (McGill University)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
08:30 Application of the exchange-hole dipole moment dispersion model to surfaces and 2D materials (I) - Prof. Erin Johnson (Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
R1-2 Medical Imaging 2 (DPMB) | Imagerie médicale 2 (DPMB) - Magdalena Bazalova-Carter (University of Victoria) (until 09:00) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
08:00 Machine Learning Applications in Functional Neuroimaging Data (I) - Timothy Bardouille (Dalhousie University)   (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
08:30 Axon Diameter Measurements in the Human Corpus Callosum using Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Sequences - Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg)   (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
R1-3 Particle Physics IX (PPD) | Physique des particules IX (PPD) -Dr Nigel Hessey (TRIUMF) (until 08:45) (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
08:00 Performance of Canadian-made muon chambers for the ATLAS experiment Phase-1 upgrade. - Tony Kwan (University of Victoria (CA))   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
08:15 Results from the DAMIC at SNOLAB Experiment - Dr Ian Lawson (SNOLAB)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
08:30 CUTE – A low background facility for testing cryogenic detectors - Serge Nagorny (Queen's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
R1-4 Inclusive Science Education (Part 2) (DPE/CEWIP) I Éducation scientifique inclusive (2ième partie) (DEP/CEFEP) - A.W. Peet (University of Toronto) (until 09:00) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
08:00 Gender Diversity in Sciences: Challenges and Benefits (I) - Eve Langelier (Universite de Sherbrooke)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
08:30 Is closing the gender gap in Physics and Engineering in Ontario possible? (I) - Martin Williams (University of Guelph)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
R1-6 Quantum Computing and Communication (DAMOPC/DTP/DCMMP) | Calcul et communication quantiques (DPAMPC/DPT/DPMCM) - Karl-Peter Marzlin (St. Francis Xavier University) (until 09:00) (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
08:00 Building synthetic quantum systems with atoms and photons — from waveguide QED with neutral atoms to “gauged" quantum materials with cavity-dressed Rydberg polaritons. (I) - Kyung Soo Choi (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
08:30 Adaptive Optics for Quantum Key Distribution between an Earth station and a Satellite - Dr Christopher Pugh (Brandon University)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
R1-7 Neutrons (DNP) | Neutrons (DPN) - Elie Korkmaz (until 09:00) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
08:00 The ultra-cold neutron facility at TRIUMF (I) - Florian Kuchler   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
08:30 Quantum Vortex Limitations to Ultracold Neutron Production - Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
08:45 Neutron electric dipole moment measurement: systematics and magnetic field control - Dr Beatrice Franke (TRIUMF)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
09:00 --- Travel time to Plenary Lecture | Transfert vers la conférence plénière ---
R-PLEN1 Plenary Session | Session Plénière - Jeff Dahn, Dalhousie University -Mr Harm Rotermund (Dalhousie University) (until 09:45) (McCain Ondaatji Hall)
09:05 Why do lithium-ion batteries eventually die and what to do about the situation. - Prof. Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall)
09:45 --- Health Break | Pause santé ---
R-MEDAL1 CAP-INO Applied Photonics Medal Talk | Médaille ACP-INO en photonique appliquée - Tigran Galstian, Université Laval - Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo) (until 10:45) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
R-MEDAL2 CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal Talk | Médaille Vogt de l'ACP-TRIUMF - Rituparna Kanungo, Saint Mary's University - Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University) (until 11:15) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
Joint CINP-IPP Meeting / Réunion conjointe de l'ICPN et de l'IPP (DPN-PPD) - Garth Hubert Michael Roney (IPP) (until 13:15) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
11:15 NSERC SAPES Chair Report - Jeffery Martin (The University of Winnipeg)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
11:50 CFI Report - Olivier Gagnon (Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
12:15 TRIUMF Director Report - Jonathan Bagger (TRIUMF)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
12:50 SNOLab Director Report - Nigel Smith (SNOLab)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
11:15 --- Travel time to technical sessions | Transfert vers les sessions techniques ---
R2-1 Theoretical modeling of materials 2 (DCMMP) I Modélisation théorique de matériaux 2 (DPMCM) (until 12:30) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
11:30 Ab-initio modeling of thermoelectric materials: a new route towards higher efficiency (I) - Prof. Jesse Maassen (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
12:00 Intermediate band materials for high efficiency solar cells: overview and future directions (I) - Jacob Krich (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
R2-2 Electrochemical Energy Storage (DAPI) | Stockage d'énergie électrochimique (DPAI) - Alain Hache (Universite de Moncton) (until 12:00) (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
11:30 ***Withdrawn talk is being given in W4-1 session*** Transport properties of electrolytes containing esters for high power Li-ion cells (G) - Eric Logan (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
11:45 From the Research Lab to the Market: Advanced Battery Testing and Diagnostics - Dr Chris Burns (Novonix)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
R2-3 Laser Physics and Spectroscopy** (DAMOPC) | Physique des lasers et spectroscopie (DPAMPC) -Prof. Alain Haché (Université de Moncton) (until 12:45) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
11:30 Applications of Auto-locked Laser Systems for Precision Metrology (I) - Dr A Kumarakrishnan (Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
12:00 Room temperature study of nitrous oxide in the bending band - Prof. Adriana Predoi-Cross (512 Silkstone Crescent West, Lethbridge AB T1J4C1)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
12:15 ***Withdrawn*** Hyperfine splitting in atomic hydrogen and two photon processes in CARS and cosmic blackbody radiation (G) - Mr Spencer Percy (University of Windsor)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
12:15 high precision calculations for tune-out wavelengths in helium as a test of QED - Dr Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
R2-4 Theoretical and computational biophysics (DPMB) | Biophysique théorique et calculatoire (DPMB) - Christopher Bergevin (York University) (until 12:15) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
11:30 Sequence-specific random-phase-approximation theory for polyampholytic intrinsically disordered proteins in liquid-liquid phase separation - Dr Yi-Hsuan Lin (University of Toronto)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
11:45 Ratcheting of spherical particles in simple microfluidic devices: making particles move against the direction of the net force - Prof. Gary W. Slater (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
12:00 Failure of the Ogston Model: Systems with Anisotropic Obstacles and Inhomogeneous Diffusivity - Dr Mehran Bagheri   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
Student Advisory Council consultation session with CAP's Director of Student Affairs -Dr Benedict Newling (University of New Brunswick) (until 12:30) (McCain 2021)
11:30 --- Student Advisory Council consultation session with CAP's Director of Student Affairs ---
07:00 --- Breakfast in cafeteria / Déjeuner à la cafeteria (ticket required / billet requis) ---
CAP Foundation Annual General Meeting | Assemblée annuelle de la Fondation de l'ACP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 09:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
CAP Board Meeting (New and Old) / Réunion du CA de l'ACP (nouveau et ancien) - Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University) (until 12:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
IPP AGM | AGA de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 22:00) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
09:00 IPP Director's Report & Council Election Results - Michael Roney (IPP)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
09:30 IPP MRS Grant submission - discussion   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
09:45 Technical Resources - Nigel Hessey (TRIUMF)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
10:00 CPARC - Tony Noble (Queen's University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
10:20 T2K - Akira Konaka (TRIUMF)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
10:40 NA62 and PiEnu - Toshio Numao (TRIUMF)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
10:55 BREAK   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
11:15 Belle II - Andreas Warburton (McGill University, (CA))   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
11:30 SNO+ - Prof. Mark Chen (Queen's University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
11:45 ATLAS - Peter Krieger (University of Toronto (CA))   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
12:05 SuperCDMS - Dr Wolfgang Rau (Queen's University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
12:20 Closeout - Michael Roney (IPP Director)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
CAP Advisory Council (Old and New) | Conseil consultatif de l'ACP (ancien et nouveau) - Stephen Pistorius (CCMB, University of Manitoba) (until 17:00) (McCain 2017 (cap. 36))
Graduate Student Workshop: Physicists in the Workforce | Atelier d'étudiants diplômés: Physiciens dans le marché du travail - Ian D'Souza (until 16:30) (SUB 302 (cap.50))
SMC Health Break | Pause santé (until 15:30) (Dunn Lobby | Entrée du Dunn)
** CANCELLED ** - Seminar: Transition from PhD to Post-Doctoral Opportunities | Séminaire: Du doctorat aux études postdoctorale -Dr Ian D'Souza (COM DEV Canada) (until 17:30) (SUB 303 (cap.60))
17:00 --- Cafeteria open for dinner (17h00-19h30; $14) | Caféteria ouvert pour souper (17h00-19h30; 14 $) ---
*** Cancelled *** Commercial Publishers Session (Nelson) l Session des éditeurs commerciaux Nelson (until 13:30) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
12:30 --- Lunch for Teachers' Day | Dîner pour la journée des enseignants ---
MON-CLS Invitation Only Canadian Light Source Users Consultation Luncheon -Dr Mark Boland (CLS) (until 13:30) (McCain 2102 (cap.36))
Science Policy Workshop: Hands-on strategies for effective interactions with MPs. - Aimee Gunther (University of Waterloo) (until 14:00) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
M2-1 Ultrafast EM Waves II: THz Science (DAMOPC/DCMMP) | Ondes EM ultrarapides II: Science des THz - Kimberley Hall (Dalhousie University) Francois Legaré (INRS-EMT) (until 15:00) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
13:30 Measurement and control of electron dynamics using THz light fields (I) - David Cooke (McGill)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
14:00 Ultrafast terahertz scanning tunneling microscopy with atomic resolution (I) - Prof. Frank Hegmann (University of Alberta)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
14:30 Carrier Spin Relaxation in 2D Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskite Semiconductors (G) - Mr Drew Riley (Dalhousie)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
14:45 Four-wave mixing studies of carrier dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3 organic-inorganic Perovsite (G) - Mr Samuel March   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
M2-2 Theory, Modelling and Forecasting II (DASP) | Théorie, modélisation et prévisions II (DPAE) - Richard Marchand (University of Alberta) (until 14:45) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
13:30 Hydro-Quebec and Geomagnetic Disturbance : historical observations, data/forecast integration, recent real event and space weather gaps (I) - Sebastien Guillon (Hydro-Québec)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
14:00 Improved Modelling of Shortwave Fadeout with 30 MHz riometer data - Dr Robyn Fiori (NRCan)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
14:15 Exploring the use of the Empirical Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Model (E-CHAIM) and other empirical ionospheric electron density models at high latitudes (I) - David Themens (University of New Brunswick)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
M2-3 Particle Physics II (PPD) | Physique des particules II (PPD) - Riccardo Di Sipio (University of Toronto (CA)) (until 15:00) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
13:30 The SuperCDMS SNOLAB Dark Matter Experiment (I) - Prof. Scott Oser (University of British Columbia)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
14:00 ATLAS ITk activities at SFU, TRIUMF and UBC - Francesco Guescini (TRIUMF (CA))   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
14:15 The HELIX Cosmic-ray Experiment (G)* - Thomas Rosin   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
14:30 Update on the KDK (40K decay) experiment - Dr Philippe Di Stefano (Queen's University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
M2-4 DPMB 101 (DPMB) | (DPMB) -Prof. Francis Lin (University of Manitoba) Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 15:00) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
13:30 The past, present and future of X-ray Computed Tomography (I) - Philippe Després (Université Laval)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
14:15 Random walkers & electrodiffusion: A primer (I) - Christopher Bergevin (York University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
M2-5 Nuclear Structure I (DNP) | Structure nucléaire (DPN) - Gerald Gwinner (U. Manitoba) (until 15:00) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
13:30 Recent mass measurements at TITAN (I) - Moritz Pascal Reiter (TITAN)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:00 Structure of $^{188}$Hg From Gamma-ray Spectroscopy With GRIFFIN (G)* - A. D. MacLean (Department of Physics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:15 Decay Spectroscopy of Neutron-Rich Cd Around the N = 82 Shell Closure (G)* - Nikita Bernier (TRIUMF)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:30 High-Precision Half-Life Measurement for the Superallowed $\beta^+$ Emitter $^{22}$Mg (G)* - Michelle Dunlop (University of Guelph)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:45 Determination of proton radii of neutron rich oxygen isotopes from charge-changing cross section measurements. (G)* - Satbir Kaur (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
Teachers' Day - afternoon workshop / Journée des enseignants - atelier de l'après-midi - Stephen Payne (Dalhousie University) Ted Monchesky (Dalhousie University) Andrew Rutenberg (Dalhousie University) (until 15:30) (McCain 2021 (cap.36))
M2-6 Intersections between gender inclusion and anti-racism work (CEWIP) I Intersections entre le travail qui supporte la diversité et l'anti-racisme - A.W. Peet (University of Toronto) (until 15:00) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium)
15:00 --- Health Break / Pause santé ---
M-MEDAL1 - CAP Teaching Medal l Médaille d'enseignement de l'ACP - Sarah Johnson, SFU - Patricia Mitchler (Balmoral Hall) (until 16:00) (McCain Ondaatji Hal (cap.500))
CAP-NSERC Liaison Cttee Mtg / Réunion du comité de liaison ACP-CRSNG - Rituparna Kanungo (Saint Mary's University) (until 17:45) (MOVED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
16:00 --- Travel time to technical sessions ---
M3-1 Stochastic Biology (DPMB) I Biologie stochastique (DPMB) - Andrew Rutenberg (Dalhousie University) (until 18:00) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
16:15 Stochastic models in quantitative biology: how they fail and why we need them (I) - Dr Andreas Hilfinger (University of Toronto Mississauga)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
16:45 Spontaneous development of drug resistance caused by a common gene regulatory network (I) - Mads Kaern (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
17:15 Probing the network structure of health deficits in human aging (I) - Spencer Farrell (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
17:30 *** Withdrawn *** Soma-dendrite interaction enhances noisy signal encoding - Prof. Andre Longtin (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
M3-2 General Contributions I (DASP) l Contributions générales 1 (DPAE) -Prof. Jean-Pierre St-Maurice (University of Saskatchewan) (until 18:00) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
16:15 Atmospheric Research in the High Arctic: The PEARL Experience (I) - James Drummond (Dalhousie University)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
16:45 Insight into Global Trends in Aerosol Composition over 2005–2015 Inferred from the OMI Ultraviolet Aerosol Index (G)* - Melanie Hammer (Dalhousie University)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
17:00 Influence of Thunderstorms on the Structure of the Ionosphere over North America - Prof. Omar Nava (Air Force Institute of Technology)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
17:15 Coastal fog microphysics in Atlantic Canada (I) - Prof. Rachel Chang (Dalhousie University)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
17:45 Coordinated space weather observations at the SANAE IV base in Antarctica - Dr Olakunle Ogunjobi (Centre for Space Research)   (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
M3-3 General Relativity I (DTP) I Relativité générale I (DPT) - Manu Paranjape (Université de Montréal) (until 18:00) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
16:15 Holography for fields with different spins in rotating black holes (I) - Prof. Masoud Ghezelbash (University of Saskatchewan)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
16:45 Holographic Thermodynamics of Accelerating Black Holes (I) - Prof. Robert Mann (Physics & Astronomy Dept. University of Waterloo)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
17:15 Jordan frame no-hair for scalar-tensor black holes: a new proof - Prof. Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
17:30 A symmetry of Brans-Dicke gravity as a novel solution-generating technique - Dr Dilek Kazici Ciftci (Department of Physics, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey & Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bishop’s University, Canada)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
17:45 Black Hole Chemistry in de Sitter: A New Approach - Saoussen MBAREK (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
M3-4 Cold and Trapped Atoms, and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries I (DNP/DTP/PPD/DAMOPC) | | Atomes froids et piégés, et tests de symétries fondamentales I (DPN/DPT/PPD/DPAMPC) - Tim Friesen (TRIUMF (CA)) (until 18:00) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
16:15 Final results from the QWeak experiment: The Weak charge of the proton and new mass scale limits on possible physics beyond the Standard Model. (I) - Prof. Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
16:45 MUSE-ing about the proton radius puzzle (I) - Evangeline J. Downie (The George Washington University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
17:15 Measurement of the 1S-2S Transition in Antihydrogen - Art Olin (TRIUMF (CA))   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
17:30 Precision antihydrogen gravitational mass measurement in ALPHA-g - Dr Chukman So (University of Calgary, Canada)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
M3-5 Magnetism (DCMMP) | Magnétisme (DPMCM) - Graeme Luke (McMaster University) (until 18:00) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
16:15 Confinement of magnetic monopole quasiparticles in a quantum spin ice (I) - Prof. Christopher Ryan Wiebe   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
16:45 Neutron scattering study of skyrmions in MnSi thin films - Prof. Theodore Monchesky (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
17:00 Ultralow Thermal Conductivity and Novel Thermoelectric Materials - Dr Jan-Hendrik Pöhls (University of Alberta)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
17:15 Reversibility of Magnetic Behavior in High Entropy Oxides (G) - Ms Tahereh Afsharvosoughi (Brock University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
17:30 Frustrated magnetic pyrochlore thin films (I) - Michel Gingras (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
M3-6 Particle Physics III (PPD) | Physique des particules III (PPD) - Francesco Guescini (TRIUMF (CA)) (until 18:00) (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:45 The Status of the PICO Dark Matter Search Experiment (I) - Prof. Anthony Noble (Queen's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:15 Analysis of CDMSlite Run 3 (G)* - Mr Ryan Underwood (Queen's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:30 Cosmogenic Production Rates in Germanium with CDMSlite Run 2 (G)* - Ms Eleanor Fascione (Queen's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:45 Compensation of Magnetic Fields at the TRIUMF nEDM Experiment (G)* - Mr Shomi Ahmed (University of Manitoba/ U of Winnipeg/ TUCAN Collaboration)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
17:00 --- Cafeteria open for dinner, if not signed up for BBQ (17h00-19h30; $14) / Caféteria ouvert pour souper, si vous n'êtes pas inscrit au BBQ (17h00-19h30; 14 $) ---
Welcome BBQ Reception | Réception d'accueil avec BBQ (until 19:30) (Studley Quad)
Herzberg Memorial Public Lecture | Conférence commémorative publique Herzberg (Nergis Mavalvala, MIT) - Stephen Pistorius (CCMB, University of Manitoba) (until 20:30) (Rebecca Cohn Theatre, Dalhousie Arts Centre)
19:30 The Warped Universe: the one hundred year quest to discover Einstein’s gravitational waves - Prof. Nergis Mavalvala (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Rebecca Cohn Theatre, Dalhousie Arts Centre)
Post-talk Reception l Réception après la conférence (until 21:45) (Rebecca Cohn Theatre, Dalhousie Arts Centre)
DAMOPC Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPAMC - Karl-Peter Marzlin (St. Francis Xavier University) (until 13:30) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
DAPI Annual Meeting | Assemblée annuelle DPAI (until 13:30) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
DASP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPAE - Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary) (until 13:30) (McCain 2021 (cap.36))
DNP Annual Meeting l Assemblée annuelle DPN - Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba) (until 13:30) (McCain 2102 (cap.36))
DPMB Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPMB - Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 13:30) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
DPP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPP - Michael Bradley (University of Saskatchewan) (until 13:30) (McCain 2176 (cap.36))
Defining CAP's Outreach Goals - Marcello Pavan (TRIUMF) Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University) (until 13:30) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
New Faculty Lunch Meeting with NSERC | Dîner-rencontre des nouveaux professeurs avec le CRSNG - Donna Strickland (University of Waterloo) (until 13:30) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
Student Seminar: Physicists in Industry | Séminaire d'étudiants: Les physiciens dans l'industrie - Ian D'Souza (Honeywell Aerospace) (until 13:30) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
T3-1 Photonics (DAMOPC / DCMMP) | Photoniques (DPAMPC / DPMCM) - Karl-Peter Marzlin (St. Francis Xavier University) (until 15:00) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
13:30 On-chip Fabry-Perot microcavity arrays for cavity QED (I) - Ray DeCorby (University of Alberta)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
14:00 Coupled spatial and spectral properties of a spectrally broadband photon pair source in bulk PPLN (G)* - Mrs Aimee Gunther (Institute for Quantum Computing; Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
14:15 Improving the quality of heralded single-photon sources with cascaded downconversion - Deny R Hamel (Université de Moncton)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
14:30 Photonic device for the detection of trace gases (G) - Mr Joshua Trevisanutto (Lakehead University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
14:45 An enhanced Kerr non-linearity using Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency outside the blockade regime (G) - Josiah Sinclair (University of Toronto)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap.250))
T3-2 Thin Films, Magnetism and Solar Cells (DCMMP) | Films minces, magnétisme et piles solaires (DPMCM) - Ted Monchesky (Dalhousie University) (until 14:30) (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
13:30 Dimensionality and length scale of defects in epitaxial SnTe topological crystalline insulator films - Dr Omur E. Dagdeviren (McGill University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
13:45 The 2D percolation transition in Fe/W(110) ultrathin films: Measurements of the phase transition line and critical exponent at finite temperature - David Venus (Mcmaster University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
14:00 Optical investigation of low-dimensional purple and blue bronzes (G) - Mr mohammad ahmadi   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
14:15 Solar cells comparison in high altitude. (U)* - Mr Adam Ursenbach (Renert School) Mr Addison Lindemann (Renert School) Mr Benjamin Wolfman (Renert School)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
T3-3 Particle Physics IV (PPD) | Physique des particules IV (PPD) - Scott Oser (until 15:00) (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
13:30 High mass Diboson Resonances with the ATLAS Detector (G)* - Robert Les (University of Toronto (CA))   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
13:45 Search for new dark sector particles in Higgs boson decays with the ATLAS detector at the LHC (G)* - Yu Him Justin Chiu (University of Victoria (CA))   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
14:00 A Novel Approach to Account for the Fano Factor (G)* - Mr Daniel Durnford (Queen's University)   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
14:15 *** Moved from M3-6 *** Searches for new physics at ATLAS (I) - Katherine Pachal (Simon Fraser University (CA))   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
T3-4 Gravity and Cosmology (DTP/DHP) | Gravité et cosmologie (DPT/DHP) - Valerio Faraoni (Bishop's University) (until 15:00) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
13:30 What we have learned from the Cosmic Microwave Background (I) - Prof. Mark Halpern (UBC)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
14:00 The CMB and the early universe (I) - Prof. Edward Wilson-Ewing (University of New Brunswick)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
14:30 Bianchi IX dynamics in dust time (G) - Masooma Ali (University of New Brunswick)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
14:45 Is there a cosmological constant problem? (G)* - Syed Moeez Hassan (University of New Brunswick)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
T3-5 Hadronic Physics (DNP) | Physique hadronique (DPN) -Prof. David Hornidge (Mount Allison University) (until 15:00) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
13:30 Recent Results from GlueX (I) - Justin Stevens (College of William and Mary)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
14:00 Blinded by the Light: Calibration of a Cherenkov Detector (G)* - Ryan Ambrose (University of Regina)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
14:15 Exclusive Backward-Angle Meson Electroproduction -- Unique access to $u$-channel physics - Garth Huber (University of Regina)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
14:30 SoLID Heavy Gas Cherenkov Prototype (G)* - Rory Evans (University of Regina)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
14:45 Geochemical measurement of the half-life for the double-beta decay of 96Zr (G)* - Adam Mayer (University of Calgary)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
T3-6 Developing Scientific Practices in the Laboratory (DPE) | Exercice de la science en laboratoire (DEP) - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 15:00) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
13:30 Evaluation of Traditional Labs As Effective Content Delivery In A High-Enrollment IPLS Course. (G)* - Matt Steffler (University of Guelph)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
13:45 Engaging Students in Authentic Scientific Practices in Physics Lab Courses (I) - Dr Heather Lewandowski (University of Colorado)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
14:15 Custom built laser instrumentation laboratories for physics and chemistry courses - Danielle Tokarz (Saint Mary's University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
14:30 QExpy: A python package for undergraduate laboratories - Ryan Martin (Queen's University)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
T3-7 Surface Sciences (DSS) I Science des surfaces (DSS) - Steve Patitsas (University of Lethbridge) (until 15:00) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
13:30 Hydrogen Generation and Co-deposition in Electroless Copper Plating - Tanu Sharma (Mount Allison University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
13:45 Water-repellent coatings via electrodeposition - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:00 Atomically Resolved Dynamics of a Charge Density Wave (I) - Jacob Burgess (University of Manitoba)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:30 Preferred orientation of electroplated copper films on roll-annealed copper substrates - Delilah Brown (Mount Allison University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
14:45 Exploring surface phase, morphology, and charge distribution transitions of perovskites: a case study on SrTiO3 - Dr Omur E. Dagdeviren (McGill University)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
15:00 --- Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) ---
T4-2 Quantum Optics and Trapped Ions** (DAMOPC) | Optique quantique et ions piégés (DPAMPC) - Ray DeCorby (University of Alberta) (until 16:45) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
15:30 Schrödinger cats in quantum optics (I) - Dr Alexander Lvovsky (University of Calgary, Russian Quantum Center)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
16:00 How to simulate models from high energy physics in atomic physics experiments (I) - Prof. Christine Muschik (IQC - Institute for Quantum Computing)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
16:30 Improved estimates of the collisional frequency shift for a trapped-ion atomic clock (G)* - Jack Davis (University of Toronto)   (SUB 303 (cap.100))
T4-1 Energy Storage 2 (DCMMP) | Accumulation 2 (DPMCM) - Matthew Genovese (Dalhousie University) (until 16:45) (SUB 307 (cap.80))
15:30 Development of Utility Friendly Safe Olivine Based ESS in Esstalion Technologies. (I) - Dr Karim Zaghib (HydroQuebec)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
16:00 Impact of aluminum substitution on the electronic and thermodynamic properties of NCA materials for lithium-ion batteries using first-principles methods (G) - Marc M. E. Cormier (Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
16:15 Synthesis of Single Crystal LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Lithium Ion Batteries (G) - Hongyang Li (Dalhousie)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
16:30 Density Functional Theory Studies on the Role of Electrolyte Additives in Lithium-ion Batteries - David Hall (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 307 (cap.80))
T4-3 Particle Physics V (PPD) | Physique des particules V (PPD) - Katherine Pachal (Simon Fraser University (CA)) (until 16:45) (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
15:30 Status of the Belle II Experiment on the SuperKEKB Collider (I) - Andreas Warburton (McGill University, (CA))   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
16:00 Pulse Shape Discrimination Studies with CsI(Tl) for Improving High Energy Hadron Identification (G)* - Savino Longo (University of Victoria)   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
16:15 Emerging Triggers: Creating a Safe Space for Dark Matter (G)* - Mr Dylan Linthorne (Carleton University)   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
16:30 Measurement of Z bosons produced in association with jets via vector boson fusion at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (G)* - Stephen Weber (Carleton University (CA))   (Dunn 135 (cap.82))
T4-4 Films, surfaces and composites (DCMMP) | Films, surfaces et composites (DPMCM) - David Venus (McMaster University) (until 16:45) (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
15:30 Structure and Properties of Exfoliated MoS2-Polyaniline Nanocomposites - Dr Douglas Dahn (Department of Physics, U. Prince Edward Island)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
15:45 Improving the corrosion resistance of SS 316 (G) - Mr Stefan Juckes (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:00 Imaging and Preventing the Corrosion of Nitinol (G) - Mr Garrett LeGallais (Dalhousie University )   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:15 Wrinkling and Buckling in Freestanding Bilayer Films (G)* - Mr John Niven (McMaster University)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
16:30 Unusual resistive hysteresis cycles in VO2 thin films on quartz substrates - Bassel Abdel Samad (Université de Moncton)   (Dunn 101 (cap.82))
T4-5 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (DNP) | Double désintégration bêta sans neutrinos (DPN) - Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba) (until 16:45) (SUB 302 (cap.40))
15:30 Neutrinoless double beta decay search using liquid xenon (I) - Prof. Caio Licciardi (Laurentian)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
16:00 nEXO: a tonne-scale next-generation double-beta decay experiment - Prof. Ryan MacLellan (University of South Dakota)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
16:15 Hyperfine spectroscopy (and more) of antihydrogen (I) - Prof. Tim Friesen (University of Calgary)   (SUB 302 (cap.40))
T4-6 DASP General Contributions II (DASP) | DPAE: contributions générales II (DPAE) - Robyn Fiori (Natural Resources Canada) (until 16:45) (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
15:30 Observing the Dynamics of the Martian Atmosphere (I) - William Ward (University of New Brunswick)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
16:00 WaMI: The Waves Michelson Interferometer (G)* - Samuel Kristoffersen   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
16:15 Search for Vertical Stratification of Element Abundances in Chemically Peculiar stars - Prof. Viktor Khalack (Université de Moncton)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
16:30 Search for Vertical Abundance Stratification of Chemical Elements in HD176232 (U)* - Mathieu Perron-Cormier (Université de Moncton)   (McCain 2017 (cap.36))
T4-7 Physics of Biosensing (DPMB) | Physique de la biodétection (DPMB) -Prof. Francis Lin (University of Manitoba) (until 16:45) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
15:30 Materials Innovations for Enhancing the Limit of Detection of Biosensors (I) - Leyla Soleymani   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
16:00 2H NMR Studies of Bacterial Membranes Disruption Resulting from the Interaction with Antimicrobial Peptides (G)* - Nury P. Santisteban (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
16:15 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as a Rapid Diagnostic Tool for Bacterial Detection and Discrimination (G)* - Ms Alexandra Paulick (University of Windsor)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
16:30 Single-Particle Tracking Reveals Diverse Diffusion Regimes of Individual M2 Receptors and Gi Proteins in Live Cells (G) - Yuchong Li (University of Toronto Mississauga)   (SUB 224 (cap.50))
T4-8 Novel Approaches to Promoting Engagement in Physics Classes (DPE) | Nouvelles approches pour promouvoir l'engagement dans les classes de physique (DEP) - Tetyana Antimirova (Ryerson University) (until 16:45) (McCain Scotiank Auditorium (cap.250))
15:30 Ice Hockey: a Sport Full of Physics (I) - Prof. Alain Haché (Université de Moncton)   (McCain Scotiank Auditorium (cap.250))
16:00 Reflections on implementing physclips and physlets in undergraduate physics courses - Prof. Adriana Predoi-Cross (512 Silkstone Crescent West, Lethbridge AB T1J4C1)   (McCain Scotiank Auditorium (cap.250))
16:15 Supplementary Video Tutorials for Introductory Physics Courses - Tetyana Antimirova (Ryerson University)   (McCain Scotiank Auditorium (cap.250))
16:30 ChromaStar: A model star and exo-planet for the classroom - Dr Ian Short (Saint Mary's University)   (McCain Scotiank Auditorium (cap.250))
16:45 --- Travel time to Plenary Lecture l Transfert vers la conférence plénière ---
17:00 --- Cafeteria open for dinner (17h00-19h30; $14) / Caféteria ouvert pour souper (17h00-19h30; 14 $) ---
T-PLEN Plenary Session / Session plénière - Juan Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton -Prof. Ariel Edery (Bishop's University) (until 17:45) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
17:00 Black holes, wormholes and entangled states - Prof. Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, NJ)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap.500))
17:45 --- Travel time to poster session l Transfert vers la session d'affiches ---
CEWIP Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition and Mingle Session with Industry Partners/Employers (0) | Session d'affiches CEFEP et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (0) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
DAMOPC Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition and Mingle Session with Industry Partners (8) / Employers | Session d'affiches DPAMPC et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (8) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-1 Investigation of Emission Enhancement in Dual-Pulse and Resonance-Enhanced Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy - Robert Valente (University of Windsor) Mr Paul Dubovan (University of Windsor)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:02 POS-2 Electron Impact Excitation of Adenine in the VUV. - Mr Jeffrey Dech (University of Windsor) Mr Josh Trocchi (University of Windsor)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:04 POS-3 Studying Medium-Sized Molecules in the Far-Infrared Spectral Region with the Canadian Light Source - Mr Hanif Zarringhalam (Physics Department,University of New Brunswick)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:06 POS-4 Relativistic corrections to nonrelativistic electric dipole transitions in heliumlike atoms - Mr Daniel Venn (University of Windsor)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:08 POS-5 Modeling and Characterizing Polarization Distortion for Real-world Quantum Key Distribution Implementations - Sebastian Slaman (University of Waterloo)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:10 *** Withdrawn *** POS-6 Second-harmonic generation in highly dispersive media: Comparison of a new formalism with experimental data - Bobby Bourque (Université de Moncton)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:12 POS-56 Contrôle des propriétés d’émission des lasers à l’aide de couches minces nanostructurées. - Mr Koffi Novignon Amouzou (Université de Moncton)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:14 POS-62 Waveguide QED toolboxes for synthetic quantum matter with neutral atoms - Dr Ying Dong (University of Waterloo)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
DAPI Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition and Mingle Session with Industrial Partners/Employees (3)| Session d'affiches DPIA et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (3) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-41 Characterizing dynamic wetting behaviour on randomly roughened surfaces - Justin Elms   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:15 POS-42 Evaluation of approaches to reduce a characteristic measurement time in MRI of sprays - Shahla Ahmadi (university of New Brunswick)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:30 POS-43 Experimental Classification of Unknown Tripartite Entanglement on Spin Ensemble using NMR - Mr Amandeep Singh (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
DASP Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition & Mingle Session with Industrial Partners (6) /Employers| Session d'affiches DPAE et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (6) - Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-7 NuSTAR Search For Black Holes Within the Galactic Center - Mr Dong Hoon Lee   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-8 Project VeSElkA: results of abundance analysis for the stars HD53929 and HD63975 - Dr Viktor Khalack (Université de Moncton)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-9 Results of abundancy analysis for Sirius - Viktor Khalack (Université de Moncton)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:15 POS-10 Superposed epoch analysis of cosmic noise absorption due to co-rotation interaction regions (CIR) - Robyn Fiori (Natural Resources Canada)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:20 POS-11 Determination of the effective parallel geomagnetic field along a path using Faraday rotation and total electron content from Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast signals - Alex Cushley   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:25 POS-12 Calculating the Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity Dependencies of the Michelson Interferometer for Airglow Dynamics Imaging (MIADI) - Jordan Grattan (University of New Brunswick)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
DCMMP Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition and Mingle Session with Industry Partners (28) / Employers | Session d'affiches DPMCM et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (28) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-13 Failure-mode history-dependence in single crystal NMC532 / graphite Li ion cells - Jessie Harlow   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:05 POS-14 Metallic Li and Na Anodes for Next Generation Li and Na Metal Batteries - Yang Zhao (Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Western Ontario)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:10 POS-15 Digital photocorrosion of GaAs/AlGaAs: a quest for fabrication of defect-free III-V nanostructures - Mr Mohammad Reza Aziziyan (Université de Sherbrooke)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:15 POS-16 Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Characterize Energy Storage Materials - Mr Aaron Mascaro (McGill University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:21 POS-17 Analysis of “Rollover Failure” of Lithium-ion Cells - Dr Xiaowei Ma (Dalhousie University) Prof. Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:23 POS-18 Study of Al2O3 Coated Positive Electrode Materials - Vivian Murray (Department of Process Engineering and Applied Science, Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:25 POS-19 Carbon allotropes grafted with poly (pyrrole) derivatives via living radical polymerizations: electrochemical analysis of nano-composites for energy storage - Dr Anna Ignaszak (University of New Brunswick)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:27 POS-20 Structural, Electrochemical and Thermal Properties of Nickel-rich LiNixMnyCozO2 Materials - Ning Zhang (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:29 POS-21 Revealing the unwanted reactions in lithium-ion cells with isothermal microcalorimetry - Mr Stephen L. Glazier (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:31 POS-22 What is the use of a lithium-ion battery that has zero volts? - Yulong Liu (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:33 POS-23 Li-ion Differential Thermal Analysis; an in-situ method for studying changes to electrolyte - Michael Bauer (Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax B3H 3J5, Canada)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:35 POS-24 Applying State-of-the-art Machine Learning Methods to Analyse Electrolyte composition of Lithium-ion Cells using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy - Samuel Buteau (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:37 POS-25 Impedance Growth in Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells - Rochelle Weber (Materials Engineering Program, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:39 POS-26 The effect of 1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone (DMI) as an additive in Lithium-ion cells. - Mr Roby Gauthier (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:47 POS-28 3D-to-2D transition of phonon transport in nanomaterials: a first-principles analysis - Patrick Strongman (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:49 POS-29 Computational and Experimental Investigations of Inverse Perovskites as Thermoelectric Materials - Dr Jan-Hendrik Pöhls (University of Alberta)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:51 POS-30 Photoacoustic FTIR as an isotopic analysis technique - Stephen Campbell (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:53 POS-31 Exploration of 2D materials for high-efficiency thermoelectric conversion - Mr Cameron Rudderham (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:55 POS-32 Assessment of the Performance of Four Dispersion-Corrected DFT Methods Using Optoelectonic Properties and Binding Energies of Organic Monomer-Fullerene Pairs - Prof. Jolanta B. Lagowski (Memorial University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:57 POS-33 Standing helimagnons in MnSi thin films - Mr Nicholas Ilow (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:59 POS-34 Synthesis of inverse tetragonal Heusler alloys - Mr Jason McCoombs (Dalhousie University) Mr David Kalliecharan (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:01 POS-35 Tracking Liquid Electrolyte Changes Throughout Lithium-ion Cell Lifetime - Ms Lauren Thompson (Dalhousie University Dept. of Chemistry)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:03 POS-36 Vein glorious graphite for Li-ion Batteries - Dr Shane Beattie (Elcora Advanced Materials)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:07 POS-37 Effect of Addition of Lanthanum on the Hydrogen Storage Properties of TiFe Alloy - Mr Md Meraj Alam (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières & Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:09 POS-38 Investigating the Removal of Layered Double Hydroxides in [Ni0.80Co0.15]0.95-xAl0.05+x(OH)2 (x = 0, 0.05) Prepared by Coprecipitation - Aaron Liu (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:11 POS-39 An Organic Anode Enabling High Concentration and Cell Potential of An All-Organic Redox Flow Battery - Mr Fahad Alkhayri (Department of Chemistry, University of New Brunswick)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:26 POS-40 Propriétés thermochromes des couches minces de VO2 et de VO2 dopées de tungstène (W) par une nouvelle technique. - Komi Kougblenou (Etudiant)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
19:28 POS-58 Study of a field-tunable colloid-polymer solution (SMC Poster) - Shivani Semwal (Memorial University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
DHP Poster Session & Finals: Poster competition and Mingle session with Industrial partners employers (0) | Session d'affiches DHP et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (0) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
DNP Poster Session & Finals: Poster competition and Mingle session with Industrial partners/employers (0) | Session d'affiches DPN et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (0) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
DPE Poster Session & Finals: Poster competition and Mingle session with Industrial partners/employers (2) | Session d'affiches DPE et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (1) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-57 Bloom Where You're Planted: Exposing Undergraduate Students to Local Research Excellence - Kevin Douglas (Okanagan College)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:02 POS-63 Online lab sections with the IOLab and remotely operated experiments in first year physics - Takashi Sato (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:04 POS-100 Physics for Modern Technology - a 4 Year Degree - Takashi Sato (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
DPMB Poster Session & Finals: Poster competition and Mingle session with Industrial partners/employers (9) | Session d'affiches DPMB et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (9) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-50 Spectroscopic Techniques in Determining the Elemental Composition of Fish Otoliths - Mr Christopher Heath (University of Windsor)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:05 POS-51 Bacterial Mounting and Concentration Techniques to Translate Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy into a Clinical Setting - Ms Alexandra Paulick (University of Windsor)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:10 POS-52 Calibration of a Nonlinear Optical Polarimeter - Ms Katherine Budden (Saint Mary's University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:15 POS-53 Effects of native state topology vs. sequence in protein folding - Stefan Wallin (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:20 POS-54 Morphological changes of collagen fibrils adsorbed to a strained elastic substrate - Chris Peacock (Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:25 POS-55 Response of an Organic Photodiode to a Kilovoltage Photon Beam under Different Bias Conditions - Michael Hupman (Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:30 POS-59 Effect of diffusion of cell lysate in a model polymer, via pulse gradient NMR (SMC Poster) - Yanitza Trosel (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:35 POS-60 Polymer dynamics in a gel network: the effect of confinement (SMC Poster) - Mr Venketesh Thrithamara Ranganathan (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:40 POS-63 Multisequence algorithm for coarse-grained biomolecular simulations: Exploring the sequence-structure relationship of proteins - Mr Adekunle Aina (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
DPP Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition and Mingle Session with Industrial Partners/Employers (0) | Session d'affiches DPP at finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (0) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
DSS Poster Session & Finals: Poster competition and Mingle session with Industrial partners/employers (0) | Session d'affiches DSS et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (0) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
DTP Poster Session & Finals: Poster Competition and Mingle Session with Industrial Partners/Employers (1) | Session d'affiches DPT et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (1) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-44 Three new roads to the Planck scale - Prof. Faraoni Valerio (Bishop's University)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
Exhibit booths open 18h00-19h30 / Salle d'exposition ouverte de 18h00 à 19h30 (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
PPD Poster Session & Finals: Poster competition and Mingle session with Industrial partners/employers (5) | Session d'affiches PPD et finales: Concours d'affiches et rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs (5) (until 19:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:00 POS-45 Calibration systems for the Cryogenic Underground Test facility (CUTE) at SNOLAB - Payam Pakarha   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:02 POS-46 A Sensitive Assay Technique for 210Pb in Water Developed for the SNO+ Experiment - Ms Dimpal Chauhan (SNOLAB)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:04 POS-47 Anarchy and rephasing invariants for neutrinos - Nicolas Giasson (Université Laval)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:06 POS-48 Precision Calculation of Parity Violating Asymmetry in Search of New Physics - Mr Christophe Match (University of Manitoba)   (SUB McInnes Hall)
18:08 POS-49 Improving reconstruction of GeV-scale neutrinos in IceCube-DeepCore by direct event simulation - Sarah Nowicki   (SUB McInnes Hall)
Judges Meeting, Announcement preparation l Rencontre des juges, préparation d'annonce (until 19:45) (SUB 224 (cap.50))
Student Session : Professional Development plus mingle with Industrial partners/employers/exhibitors | Session d'étudiants : Perfectionnement professionnelle plus rencontres avec partenaires industriels et employeurs et exposants -Dr Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter) Ian D'Souza (until 21:30) (SUB McInnes Hall)
"Friends of CAP" Dinner and Meeting | Souper et réunion des "Ami(e)s de l'ACP" - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 21:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
CAP Past Presidents' Meeting | Réunion des anciens présidents de l'ACP - Stephen Pistorius (CCMB, University of Manitoba) (until 21:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #2)
Department Leaders Business Meeting | Réunion d'affaires des directeurs de départements - Donna Strickland (University of Waterloo) (until 22:00) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
CAP Communications Committee Mtg. / Réunion du comité de communications de l'ACP - Marcello Pavan (TRIUMF) (until 13:30) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
DCMMP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPMCM - Graeme Luke (McMaster University) (until 13:30) (McCain 2102 (cap.36))
DPE Annual Meetings | Assemblée annuelle DEP - Patricia Mitchler (Balmoral Hall) (until 13:30) (McCain 2016 (cap.36))
PPD Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle PPD - Claudio Kopper (University of Alberta) (until 13:30) (McCain 2021 (cap.36))
Student Seminar: Physicists in Industry | Séminaire d'étudiants: Les physiciens dans l'industrie (until 13:30) (SUB 303 (cap.100))
W3-1 Creating Authentic Physics Learning Experiences (DPE) | Créer d'authentiques expériences d'apprentissage en physique (DEP) - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor) (until 15:00) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (Cap. 250))
13:30 This machine has no brain, use your own. Canada’s synchrotron as a classroom resource (I) - Dr Robert Blyth (Canadian Light Source)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (Cap. 250))
14:00 Stars for Everyone – Astronomy Outreach Doubling Physics Enrollments (I) - Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (Cap. 250))
14:30 Integrating Online Information Search in Tutorials – Effects on Student Learning and Perceptions - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (Cap. 250))
14:45 Impact of Reflective Writing and Labatorials on Student Understanding of Force and Motion in Introductory Physics - Calvin Kalman (Concordia University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (Cap. 250))
W3-2 Energy Storage 3 (DCMMP) | Accumulation d'énergie 3 (DPMCM) - David Hall (The Open University) (until 15:00) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
13:30 Interface Controlled Anode-Free Sodium Batteries (I) - Prof. Cary Pint (Vanderbilt University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
14:00 Advances in Alloy Negative Electrodes for Li-ion Batteries (I) - Prof. Mark Obrovac (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
14:30 Gauging Li-ion Cell Health by Monitoring Irreversible Volume Expansion (G)* - Alex Louli (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
14:45 Analyzing the Effect of Surface Coatings on Lithium Cycling Efficiency via Combinatorial Analysis - Matthew Genovese (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
W3-3 Fields and Strings II (DTP) | Champs et cordes II (DPT) - Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University) (until 15:00) (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
13:30 Renormalisation of non-perturbative calculations in scalar theories (I) - Prof. Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
14:00 From the Chiral Lagrangian to the EFT on a Single M5-Brane (I) - Dr Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter Institute)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
14:30 Open EFTs and Gravity as a Medium (I) - Prof. Cliff Burgess (McMaster U/Perimeter Inst.)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
W3-4 Soft matter and molecular dynamic (DPMB/DCMMP) | Matière molle et dynamique moléculaire (DPMB/DPMCM)) -Prof. Francis Lin (University of Manitoba) (until 15:00) (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
13:30 Physical properties of model membranes: From membrane asymmetry to vitamin E (I) - Dr Drew Marquardt (University of Windsor)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
14:00 Escherichia coli's RfaH studied by all-atom Monte Carlo simulation (G)* - Mr Adekunle Aina (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
14:15 Capillary levelling of a liquid stepped film supported on an immiscible liquid film (G)* - Carmen Lee (McMaster University)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
14:30 Voltage-driven translocation through a nanopore: How can we define the capture radius? (G)* - Mr Le Qiao (Department of Physics, University of Ottawa)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
W3-5 Quantum Sensors and Quantum Technology (DAMOPC) | Détecteurs quantiques et technologie quantique (DPAMPC) - Agata Branczyk (Perimeter Institute) (until 15:00) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
13:30 Towards Microwave to Telecom Wavelength Quantum Information Transfer using Cavity Optomechanics (I) - John Davis (University of Alberta)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
14:00 Graphene Lubrication and Wetting Transparency Evaluated through Nanoscale Friction (I) - Dr Philip Egberts (University of Calgary)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
14:30 Autler-Townes quantum memory for broadband light storage and manipulation - Lindsay LeBlanc (University of Alberta)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
14:45 Optical fiber nanoprobe for the detection of chemicals (G) - Mr Joshua Trevisanutto (Lakehead University)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
W3-6 Particle Physics VIII (PPD) I Physique des particules VIII (PPD) - Nigel Hessey (TRIUMF) (until 15:00) (Dunn 135 (cap. 82))
13:30 Status of T2K and future (I) - Dr Akira Konaka (TRIUMF)   (Dunn 135 (cap. 82))
14:00 Search for dark matter candidates produced in Z(ll) + ETmiss events in 13 TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (G) - Kayla McLean (University of Victoria (CA))   (Dunn 135 (cap. 82))
14:15 Measurement of the Drell–Yan triple-differential cross section in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV - Prof. Richard Keeler (University of Victoria)   (Dunn 135 (cap. 82))
14:30 ***Withdrawn*** Exploring Multi-scatter Signatures in Dark Matter Searches (G) - Benjamin Broerman (Queen's University)   (Dunn 135 (cap. 82))
14:45 Emulsion-based Measurement of the Production of Hadrons At a Test beam in Chicagoland [EMPHATIC] (G) - Mr Khalid Gameil (University of British Columbia)   (Dunn 135 (cap. 82))
W3-7 Applied Physics Instrumentation (DAPI) | Instrumentation de physique appliquée (DPAI) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 14:30) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
13:30 Cryogenic Energy Storage in Conjunction with Mine Chilling a Co-generation System (I) - Dr Daniel Cluff (University of Exeter)   (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
14:00 Hydraulic and mechanical investigations of permeable materials based on tire crumb - Dr Christopher Murray (Lakehead University)   (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
14:15 Developing ITk Front-End Silicon-Strips Readout ASIC Testing Capability - James Michael Botte (Carleton University (CA))   (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
W3-8 Nuclear Structure II (DNP) | Structure nucléaire II (DPN) - Iris Dillmann (until 15:00) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
13:30 Ab initio calculations for exotic nuclei (I) - Matteo Vorabbi (TRIUMF Canada's particle accelerator centre)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:00 High-Precision Branching Ratio Measurement for the Superallowed Fermi Beta Emitter 22Mg - Alex Laffoley (University of Guelph (CA))   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:15 Investigation of the nuclear structure of ${}^{33}$Al through $\beta$-decay of ${}^{33}$Mg to probe the island of inversion (G) - Tammy Zidar (University of Guelph)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:30 Enhanced $\alpha$-Transfer population of the $2^{+}_{ms}$ mixed-symmetry state in $^{52}$Ti - Fuad A. Ali (Univerity of Guelph)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:45 User Support and Engagement at TRIUMF - Dr Marcello Pavan (TRIUMF)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
15:00 --- Health Break (with exhibitors) | Pause santé (avec exposants) ---
DJ Mtg BSOC - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) Ann-Marie Robertson (Canadian Association of Physicists) (until 16:15) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
W4-1 Energy Storage 4 (DCMMP) | Accumulation d'énergie 4 (DPMCM) -Prof. Ian Hill (Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University) (until 16:45) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
15:30 On the Design of Organic Molecules for Redox Flow Batteries (I) - Prof. Susan Odom (University of Kentucky)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
16:00 Transport properties of electrolytes containing esters for high power Li-ion cells (G) - Eric Logan (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
16:15 Bispyridinylidene Anolyles for Organic Redox Flow Batteries - Dr C. Adam Dyker (University of New Brunswick)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
16:30 Organic electrolytes for use in low-cost aqueous redox flow batteries (G) - Charlotte Clegg (Dalhousie University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
W4-2 Nonlinear Optics (DAMOPC) | Optique non linéaire (DPAMPC) - Chris McDonald (until 16:45) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
15:30 Material Candidates for Nonlinear Photonic Devices (I) - Prof. Ksenia Dolgaleva (University of Ottawa)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
16:00 Customizing quantum light sources for emerging quantum technologies (I) - Dr Agata Branczyk (Perimeter Institute)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
16:30 Light polarization control by reflection off an ultrathin, phase change layer - Prof. Alain Haché (Université de Moncton)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
W4-3 Advances in Nuclear and Particle Physics Theory (DTP/PPD/DNP) | Progrès en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules théorique (DPT/PPD/DPN) - Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Memorial University of Newfoundland) (until 16:45) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
15:30 Status of Higgs Portal Dark Matter (I) - Prof. Rainer Dick (University of Saskatchewan)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
16:00 Chiral Gravitational Waves and Baryon Superfluid Dark Matter (I) - Dr Evan Mcdonough (Brown University)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
16:30 QCD Sum-Rules Analysis of Meson-Hybrid Mixing in Vector Heavy Quarkonium (G) - A. Palameta   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
W4-4 DPMB Get together (DPMB) | Rencontre DPMB (DPMB) - Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 16:45) (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
W4-5 Education Research-informed Physics Teaching (DPE) | L'enseignement de la physique enrichi par la recherche en éducation (DEP) - Calvin Kalman (Concordia University) (until 16:45) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
15:30 Retrospective View of PER-Informed Teaching in Introductory Physics (I) - Dr Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
16:00 Bringing sound pedagogy beyond the first and second year - Dr Sean Stotyn (University of Calgary)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
16:15 Grade Inflation due to Selective Averaging - Dr Mandana Sobhanzadeh (Mount Royal university)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
16:30 Measuring Scientific Literacy - Dr Ian Blokland (University of Alberta, Augustana Campus)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
BSOC Finalists - Ann-Marie Robertson (Canadian Association of Physicists) Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 16:45) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
16:45 --- Travel time to Plenary Lecture ---
17:00 --- Cafeteria open for dinner (17h00-19h30; $14) / Caféteria ouvert pour souper (17h00-19h30; 14 $) ---
W-PLEN1 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Anne Martel, U.Toronto "Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis" - Luc Beaulieu (Université Laval) (until 17:45) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
17:00 Machine Learning for Medical Image Analysis - Dr Anne Martel (Sunnybrook Research Institute; Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
CAP President's report | Rapport du président de l'ACP - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 18:00) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
17:45 Test Abstract for 2018 Congress - Francine Ford (Canadian Association of Physicists)   (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
CAP Annual General Meeting with election of Board and Advisory Council members | Assemblée générale annuelle de l'ACP avec élection des membres du c.a. et du conseil consultatif - Stephen Pistorius (CCMB, University of Manitoba) (until 19:15) (McCain Scotiabank Auditorium (cap. 250))
19:15 --- Break: Bus to Wednesday reception/dinner | Autobus vers le banquet ---
CAP Medalists Award Banquet @ Murphy's - Limited seating. Tickets will not be sold at the door | Banquet des médaillés de l'ACP chez Murphy's - Sièges limités; aucun billet vendu à l'entrée (until 22:00) (private function)
CEWIP Business Meeting & Reception | Réunion d'affaires CEFEP et réception (until 13:30) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
CJP Introduction to Commemmorative issue honouring Ursula Franklin (was formerly Commercial Publishers Workshop with MacMillan Publishers) (until 13:30) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
DHP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DHP -Prof. Louis Marchildon (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) (until 13:30) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
DTP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPT - Ariel Edery (until 13:30) (McCain 2017 (cap. 36))
12:30 --- Lunch in cafeteria / Dîner à la cafeteria (ticket required / billet requis) ---
CINP Annual General Meeting | Assemblée générale annuelle de l'ICPN - Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 14:00) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
CAP Foundation Board Meeting | Réunion du CA de la Fondation de l'ACP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 15:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
R3-2 Light-Matter Interactions II (DAMOPC/DCMMP) | Interactions lumière-matière II (DPAMPC/DPMCM) -Mr Christopher Pugh (University of Waterloo/Institute for Quantum Computing) (until 15:00) (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
13:30 Cavity Spintronics (I) - Prof. Can-Ming Hu (University of Manitoba)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
14:00 Real-time arrangement of atoms into a low-entropy state using high-resolution optical tweezers - Mahmood Sabooni (Institute for Quantum Computing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
14:15 Control of plasmon modes of metallic nanoantenna arrays on metal-insulator transition material substrate using thermo-optical switching mechanism (G) - Mrs Arezou Rashidi (Nipissing University )   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
14:30 Experimental results and calculations for carbon monoxide in the fundamental band - Prof. Predoi-Cross Adriana (512 Silkstone Crescent West, Lethbridge, AB)   (SUB 302 (cap. 40))
R3-3 Particle Physics X (PPD) | Physique des particules X (PPD) - David Morrissey (TRIUMF) (until 15:00) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
13:30 Astroparticle physics with neutrinos at the South Pole (I) - Juan-Pablo Yanez (University of Alberta)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:00 Status of PICO-40L - Dr Tristan Sullivan (Queen's University)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:15 Photo-neutron Calibrations of SuperCDMS Dark Matter Detectors - Andrew Scarff (University of British Columbia)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:30 Understanding eV-threshold calorimeters for SuperCDMS and other dark matter searches - Alan Robinson (Fermilab)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
14:45 The SNO+ Calibration Program - Ryan Bayes (Laurentian University)   (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
R3-4 Condensed Matter / Quantum Theory (DTP/DCMMP) | Matière condensée / théorie quantique (DPT/DPMCM) - Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia University) (until 15:00) (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
13:30 Mott transition as an organizing principle for high-temperature superconductivity (I) - Prof. André-Marie Tremblay (Université de Sherbrooke)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
14:00 Quantum communication with coherent states (I) - Prof. Norbert Lutkenhaus (University of Waterloo)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
14:30 Entanglement signatures of emergent Dirac fermions: kagome spin liquid and quantum criticality (I) - Prof. William Witczak-Krempa (Universite de Montreal)   (SUB 307 (cap. 80))
R3-5 Multimodal and Nonlinear Imaging in Biological Systems (DPMB) | Imagerie multimodale et non-linéaire dans les systèmes biologiques (DPMB) - Laurent Kreplak (Dalhousie) (until 15:00) (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
13:30 Interferometric Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy and applications. (I) - Prof. Légaré François (INRS-EMT)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
14:00 Surface Enhanced Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy using CW sources (I) - Kevin Hewitt (Dalhousie University)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
14:30 Determination of the origin of third harmonic generation in bone for intravital nonlinear optical microscopy of bone tissue - Prof. Danielle Tokarz (Saint Mary's University)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
14:45 First observation of dinosaur skin layers using synchrotron radiation - Prof. Mauricio Barbi (University of Regina)   (Dunn 101 (cap. 82))
Student Advisory Council consultation session -Dr Benedict Newling (University of New Brunswick) (until 14:30) (McCain 2021)
R3-1 Nuclear physics, special topics (DNP) | Sujets spéciaux en physique nucléaire (DPN) - Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 15:00) (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
14:00 Science and Status of the US Electron Ion Collider (EIC) (I) - Prof. Abhay Deshpande (Stony Brook University)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
14:30 The BRIKEN experimental campaign: Beta-delayed neutron measurements at RIKEN for nuclear structure, astrophysics, and applications (I) - Dr Roger Caballero-Folch (TRIUMF)   (SUB 303 (cap. 100))
15:00 --- Health Break | Pause santé ---
R-PLEN2 CAP Best Student Presentations Final Competition / Compétition finale de l'ACP pour les meilleures communications étudiantes - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 17:30) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
15:30 --- Competitor 1 ---
15:45 --- Competitor 2 ---
16:00 --- Competitor 3 ---
16:15 --- Competitor 4 ---
16:30 --- Competitor 5 ---
16:45 --- Competitor 6 ---
17:00 --- Competitor 7 ---
17:15 --- Competitor 8 ---
Judges Meeting, Announcement preparation l Rencontre des juges, préparation d'annonce - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) Ann-Marie Robertson (Canadian Association of Physicists) (until 18:15) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
R-PLEN3 Plenary Session | Session plénière - Eric Cornell, Univ. of Colorado - Gerald Gwinner (U. Manitoba) (until 18:15) (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
17:30 Looking for Fossils of the Big Bang in Molecular Spectra - Prof. Eric Cornell (University of Colorado)   (McCain Ondaatji Hall (cap. 500))
Student Awards Ceremony / Cérémonie de reconnaissance d'étudiants (until 19:00) (McCain Ondaatji Hall)
CJP Editorial Board Meeting | Réunion du comité de rédaction de la RCP - Michael O. Steinitz (St. Francis-Xavier University) (until 20:00) (Outside Restaurant)
Meeting of Local Organizing Committees 2017, 2018 + / Réunion des comités organisateurs locaux 2017, 2018 + - Francine Ford (Canadian Association of Physicists) (until 20:00) (McCain 2016 (cap. 36))
Dinner and Meeting: CAP Board and Institutional Members | Souper et réunion : Conseil d'administration de l'ACP et les membres institutionnels - Bruce Gaulin (McMaster University) (until 22:00) (CHANGED TO Risley Hall, Meeting Room #1)
Student Advisory Council consultation session -Dr Benedict Newling (University of New Brunswick) (until 00:30) (McCain 2021)
IPP Scientific Council Meeting / Réunion du comité scientifique de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 14:00) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))
Lunch in cafeteria / Dîner à la cafeteria (until 14:00) (Howe Hall Dining Room)
IPP Inst. Members and Board of Trustees Meetings / Réunions des membres inst. et du conseil de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 17:00) (SUB 224 (cap. 50))