8–11 May 2018
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Poster Printing

There are several places near WUT where you can print your poster. We recommend trying one of the two below:

Lwowska 2a, 00-658 Warsaw
Open Mon-Fri 7.30 AM - 7 PM, Sat 8 AM - 4 PM

The cost of printing A0 is 64 PLN ( < 20 USD) on a 120g/m^2 paper.

- e-druk24,
Lwowska 9, 00-658 Warsaw,
Open 24 hrs a day

The cost of printing A0 is: 

30 PLN (< 10 USD) on a 80g/m^2 paper
60 PLN (< 20 USD) on a 120g/m^2 paper
90 PLN (< 30 USD) on a 180g/m^2 paper

They also offer a 20% discount if you come there between midnight and 7 AM - a way to use a jet lag to your advantage!

You should provide your poster in a PDF format. Printing should take up to 10-15 mins (if there is no queue).
If you need any assistance with printing please contact Andrzej Lipiec ( andrew.lipiec@gmail.com )

IMPORTANT NOTE: these places do not sell containers for your posters. It is best to bring one from your country of residence!