ALICE Tier-1/Tier-2 Workshop
University of Derby - Enterprise centre
The Eighth Annual ALICE Tier-1/Tier-2 Workshop will take place in Derby, hosted by University of Derby.
Derby is the most central city of the United Kingdom, located at the banks of the river Derwent and on the edge of the Peak District National park. Considered by many as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, Derby is a home to one of the most impressive industry and history museums 'Derby Silk Mill' and of modern factories, such as Rolls-Royce and Toyota.
Derby is also a home of the University of Derby, formerly known as Derby College of Art and Technology, the institution can trace its origins back to the foundation of the Derby Diocesan Institution for the Training of Schoolmistresses, which was established in 1851. Today, it has more than 12,000 students on three campuses, enrolled in more than 300 study programmes.
Mary's Church and Bridge Gate, Derby, England.
In 2017, ALICE completed successfully the third year of data taking in the the LHC Run2. Thanks to the excellent performance of the LHC accelerator and the ALICE detector, the p-p programme goals are being fulfilled and the collaboration is preparing for the last year of Run2, which will include a very challenging Pb-Pb data taking period at the end of 2018.
The Grid resources available to ALICE have grown with the expected pace of ~20% and have been well utilized to complete the RAW data and MC productions necessary for the ongoing physics programme. In addition to these, the organized physics analysis has grown substantially, which is expected with the growth of the available data samples.
The 2018 data taking and processing will again be very challenging and we expect a record amount of data to be collected and processed.
To make sure we are ready for the upcoming data taking as well as to prepare for the ALICE upgrade at Run3 and beyond, the computing resources must be operated at maximum efficiency and the Grid middleware must be upgraded to meet the ever-increasing capacity and complexity requirements.
The workshop will focus on resource optimization, new methods of site operations and new middleware solutions, as well as on networking status and security. The workshop will continue the tradition of open information exchange between Grid site administrators, Grid software and networking experts.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Payment: £200, registration available here