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16–19 Dec 2012
Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.
Europe/Zurich timezone

Constraining mSUGRA with Dark Matter searches and the LHC

18 Dec 2012, 15:00
Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.

Geilo, Dr Holms Hotel, Norway.
talk Preliminary version of material to be approved Dark Matter and Supersymmetry, LHC


Knut Dundas Mora (University of Bergen (NO))


The LHC is steadily setting new limits on the supersymmetric, and particularly the mSUGRA parameter space. This talk will concern the intersection of astrophysical searches for dark matter and LHC searches, and the prospect of an ATLAS analysis of a plane of the parameter space.

Primary author

Knut Dundas Mora (University of Bergen (NO))

Presentation materials