May 28, 2018 to June 1, 2018
Africa/Johannesburg timezone


The course will help professionals working in the Monte Carlo radiation transport fields to understand the various functions and attributes of the code. The event is organized with the kind support of iThemba Labs and Stellenbosch University, in particular of Dr. Rob Bark and Dr. Paul Papka.

Registration process and dates

Registration can be started by filling and submitting the registration form, and is considered complete only after payment is received.

Like all previous courses, the intake is limited (to 30 participants) and acceptance will be on a first come / first served basis. In case the limit on the number of participants is exceeded during the registration stage, a waiting list will be set up.

Please make arrangements for payment as soon as you get the respective details and in any case by March 23, 2018 for early-bird registration (April 20, 2018 for late registration). After these dates, if any of the accepted registrations are not yet completed by the corresponding fee payment (see below), people from the waiting list will be allowed to proceed in turn through the fee payment to validate their registration.


We offer three accommodation options during the registration process:

  1. No accomodation: the participant organizes private accommodation.
  2. Shared accommodation: single bed in a double room within a two-bedroom apartment (4 attendees per apartment).
  3. Semi-shared accommodation: single room in a two-bedroom apartment (2-3 attendees per apartment).

See here for a general description of the rooms (see Crozierhof). Please note that, in case you choose options 2 or 3, the accommodation proceeds via this registration system without further action needed.

Note also that accommodation options 2 and 3 are limited and will be assigned on a first come / first served basis among those who complete the registration and payment.

Course fee

Depending on the chosen accommodation option, the early-bird payment fee for attendees from academic institutions is:

  1. 500 CHF (no accommodation).
  2. 695 CHF (shared accommodation).
  3. 770 CHF (semi-shared accommodation).

The late payment fee will be increased.

There is an additional fee of 1000 CHF for commercial users.

All fees include course coffee breaks, lunches, and one social dinner.

Note that transportation for daily course routine is not necessary: the proposed accommodation options are within walking distance of the course venue.

Prior Knowledge

No particular experience with FLUKA or similar Monte-Carlo packages is required, however basic knowledge of LINUX/UNIX is necessary, as well as reasonably fluent use of a plain-text editor and the ability to navigate through a file tree. For newcomers, not only to FLUKA but also to Linux, we strongly recommend to have a look into a Linux tutorial in order to be able to profit at maximum from the FLUKA course.


Linux PCs with FLUKA preinstalled will be available in the computer room. Users wishing to use their laptop are welcome, provided that beforehand they register as FLUKA users and make sure that their installed copy is in working order before arrival.

Stellenbosch University Cape Town South Africa
Registration for this event is currently open.