10–13 Sept 2018
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)
Europe/Sarajevo timezone

Coding path of young physicist

12 Sept 2018, 12:00
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

7, Bistrik Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina https://goo.gl/maps/Ct9jKrSER4z


Mr Ziga Brencic (master student)


I would like to share my path of learning ROOT and acquiring software skills as a young physicist. I started learning ROOT in my 2nd year of physics bachelors with little of programming knowledge and some experience in C. I found mostly outdated docs and code from old guard physicists (overuse of pointers, new, delete, single file long macros, no OOP, …). What followed was 3 years of learning how to properly code. Sadly I learned most from computer scientists or professional developers and not as much as I would have hoped from the physics community. Now that I’m finishing my masters I somehow feel confident regarding my coding skills (yet still a long way to go). I also know that I could have achieved the level of knowledge I have way faster with proper systematic guidance from the community. I think sharing my experience of what worked for me could help others struggle less on their coding path.


Mr Ziga Brencic (master student)

Presentation materials