10–13 Sept 2018
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)
Europe/Sarajevo timezone


12 Sept 2018, 12:45
Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

Academy of Sciences and Arts (Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine)

7, Bistrik Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina https://goo.gl/maps/Ct9jKrSER4z


Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN) Will Buttinger (CERN)


TRooFit is an extension of the RooFit toolkit, providing a set of classes that are inspired by core ROOT objects (specifically histograms and histogram stacks) but are fully-functional RooFit pdfs or functions. TRooFit's TRooH1D and TRooHStack are fillable and drawable in the same way as a TH1D and THStack, but are simultaneously concrete RooFit PDFs that can be fit to a RooFit dataset. TRooFit's histogram classes also incorporate desirable features such as systematic variation with automatic interpolation. TRooFit provides extensions of some RooFit classes (specifically the RooFitResult and the RooWorkspace), which assist in the creation of new models, as well as inspection of existing ones. In particular, TRooFit's TRooWorkspace is able to interpret and draw workspaces built with the HistFactory tool and other tools that build models that have a similar structure.
This presentation will demonstrate using TRooFit to visualise an existing workspace, run a fit, inspect the fit result (through pull and impact plots) and obtain pre- and post-fit yields and uncertainties. Some examples of using TRooFit to build models will also be given.

Presentation materials