Introduction: Welcome and introduction of participants (on-line Vidyo link with CERN)
11:10 AM
11:20 AM
Background information and outline of the idea of the CERN Baltic Group – strengthening the particle physics and accelerator technologies competence in the Baltic countries10m
Prof.Toms Torims(Riga Technical University (LV))
11:20 AM
11:30 AM
Brief address by the Rector of RTU Prof. Leonīds RIBICKIS10m
11:30 AM
11:40 AM
Brief address by the Vice-Rector for Research of TTU Prof. Renno VEINTHAL10m
11:40 AM
11:50 AM
Brief address of the University of Latvia - by Prof. Marcis AUZINS10m
11:50 AM
12:00 PM
CERN perspective - Particle physics10m
Prof.Christoph Schaefer(CERN)
12:00 PM
12:10 PM
CERN perspective - Accelerator technologies10m
Maurizio Vretenar(CERN)
12:10 PM
12:25 PM
Collaboration with CERN participation in experiments – state-of-play and further plans: Estonia
Mario Kadastik(National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (EE))
Discussion: International inter-disciplinary particle physics and accelerators technology study programme - collaboration of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Universities and scientific institutions with the support of CERN visiting professors