7–9 May 2018
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Heavy Quark Jet Fragmentation

8 May 2018, 15:00
G-27 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk QCD & EW I


Lin Dai (University of Pittsburgh)


We study Heavy quark jet fragmenting processes. When heavy quarks are involved in a jet, the quark mass can give a large impact on the jet cross section and its substructures. With this motivation, at next-to-leading order in $\alpha_s$ we calculated the heavy quark mass effects on the fragmentation functions to a jet (FFJs) and the jet fragmentation functions (JFFs), where the former describes fragmentation of parton into a jet and the latter describes fragmenting processes inside a jet. The finite size of the heavy quark mass does not change the ultraviolet behaviors, but it can give significant corrections to the finite contributions. Also when we take the zero mass limit, we find that the FFJs and the JFFs reproduce established results for massless partons. When we define the heavy quark jet as one to include at least one hone (anti-)heavy quark, the tagged heavy quark jet production is sensitive to the heavy quark mass and produces large logarithms related to the quark mass as known. Taking advantage of the FFJs and JFFs we formulate the factorization theorem on the heavy quark jet production in order to resum the large logarithms systematically. As an application, we study the inclusive $b$-jet production and show useful phenomenological results.

Primary authors

Lin Dai (University of Pittsburgh) Chul Kim Adam Leibovich (University of Pittsburgh)

Presentation materials