7–9 May 2018
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Charmed Baryon to Strange Baryon Decay using QCD Sum Rules

8 May 2018, 15:45
G-27 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall


Mr Bijit Singha (Carnegie Mellon University)


We estimate the rate of the Cabibbo-favored weak decay, $\Lambda_c^+ \rightarrow \Lambda_s^0~ \pi^+$, using QCD Sum Rules. A three-point correlation function of field operators corresponding to charmed lambda ($\Lambda_c^+$), strange lambda ($\Lambda_s^0$), and weak Hamiltonian ($H_W$) is considered in the presence of an external pion field. We evaluate the lowest-order perturbative diagram in which the charm quark decays into the strange quark via a weak-charged current. A dispersion relation is used for the correlator obtained from the OPE, and a Borel transform is carried out to ensure rapid convergence. After comparing the decay rate for this process to the strong decay mode, $\Lambda_c^+ \rightarrow p K^- \pi^+$, we find this weak decay to be small and consistent with experimental observations.

Primary authors

Mr Bijit Singha (Carnegie Mellon University) Prof. Leonard Kisslinger (Carnegie Mellon University)

Presentation materials