7–9 May 2018
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Lightcone resummation in H -> J/Psi + gamma to O(v^4)

8 May 2018, 15:30
G-27 (Benedum Hall)


Benedum Hall

parallel talk QCD & EW I


Wai Kin Lai (TUM)


Higgs exclusive decay to a J/Psi plus a photon is a clean channel to probe the Higgs-charm coupling. In this process, large logarithms log(m_c/m_H) are resummed using the evolution of the lightcone distribution amplitude (LCDA), which in turn is matched to the long-distance matrix elements in NRQCD at the scale m_c. We will demonstrate the matching to O(v^4) and its phenomenological implications.

Primary author

Wai Kin Lai (TUM)

Presentation materials