May 31, 2018 to June 1, 2018
Europe/Paris timezone

After the last appointment in December 2016 at LPNHE (Paris), we are proud to invite you to join the DPM workshop 2018 at CESNET (Praha), organized with the kind support of the Czech community (CESNET and Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences).

DPM is one of the most important storage managers of the Grid environment. It is installed in roughly 130 sites, hosting more than 90PB of massively accessed data. One of the strongest aspects of DPM is the cooperation with the numerous system administrators that have deployed it, and the goal of the DPM workshop is to discuss the aspects that are related to it.

This last year has seen the development work on important items like making SRM and the glorious LCGDM stack totally optional, directory-based space accounting and quotas, and the implementation of volatile pools, that can stage content virtually from any data source.

Keeping the continuity from the discussions of last year, this appontment in CESNET is dedicated to show and discuss items like:

  • current status of the implementation of the features
  • planning the end of support for the LCGDM stack
  • smooth transition plan to the new releases
  • preparing for VOs that will abandon SRM, providing old and new services and features
  • current status of the deployment in sites
  • points of view of the system administrators, that made DPM a successful system
  • federating DPMs using the Xrootd and HTTP protocols
  • How to use the volatile pools to setup caches


Technicka 2, Praha

How to get to the workshop

Google Maps:


Social Dinner

The social dinner will be on the 31st of May at 19hr at "The Pub Prague 6".


For urgent matters you can contact us by phone:

Fabrizio Furano +41 75 411 5911

Oliver Keeble +41 75 411 5965

Jiri Chudoba +420 774 414 970


Links to Prague Honest Guides:


Registration for this event is currently open.