Please indicate if you will join us for dinner thursday/friday and your choice of menu HERE
The IPPOG Spring Meeting 2018 will be held from 19 to 21 April 2017 in Polo Fibonacci (Pisa) and EGO-Virgo (Cascina). The agenda is currently under development.
The meeting will be hosted on Thursday and Saturday by INFN-Pisa and Departiment of Physics of the University of Pisa at Building C of "Polo Didattico Fibonacci” and on Friday at EGO-Virgo (transportation will be provided from Pisa to EGO).
Note that meetings will end at lunch time on Saturday. A walking tour of Pisa will likely be organized on Saturday afternoon, starting at 14:30 and lasting about three hours.
We propose PANEL topics.
- Broadening the physics scope of Masterclasses (Conveners: Ken Cecire and Uta Bilow)
- Communication Platforms and Strategy (Convener: Steven Goldfarb)
- Diversity in Science and Technology (Convener: Alberto Ruiz Jimeno)
And WORKING GROUP discussions:
- WG on Bringing Masterclasses to New Countries (Conveners: Ken Cecire and Uta Bilow)
- WG on Explaining Particle Physics Hot Topics to a Lay Audience (Convener: Thomas Naumann)
- WG on Exhibits (Convener: Catia Peduto)