19–21 Apr 2018
Other Institutes
Europe/Berlin timezone

Please indicate if you will join us for dinner thursday/friday and your choice of menu HERE

The IPPOG Spring Meeting 2018 will be held from 19 to 21 April 2017 in Polo Fibonacci (Pisa) and EGO-Virgo (Cascina). The agenda is currently under development.

The meeting will be hosted on Thursday and Saturday by INFN-Pisa and Departiment of Physics of the University of Pisa at Building C of "Polo Didattico Fibonacci” and on Friday at EGO-Virgo (transportation will be provided from Pisa to EGO).

Note that meetings will end at lunch time on Saturday. A walking tour of Pisa will likely be organized on Saturday afternoon, starting at 14:30 and lasting about three hours.


We propose PANEL topics.

  1. Broadening the physics scope of Masterclasses (Conveners: Ken Cecire and Uta Bilow)
  2. Communication Platforms and Strategy (Convener: Steven Goldfarb)
  3. Diversity in Science and Technology (Convener: Alberto Ruiz Jimeno)

And WORKING GROUP discussions:

  1. WG on Bringing Masterclasses to New Countries (Conveners: Ken Cecire and Uta Bilow)
  2. WG on Explaining Particle Physics Hot Topics to a Lay Audience (Convener: Thomas Naumann)
  3. WG on Exhibits (Convener: Catia Peduto)



Other Institutes
According to the preliminary plans, on Thursday 19th of April and Saturday 21st of April morning we will be in Pisa, and on Friday 20th of April at EGO.