16–20 Jul 2018
Other Institute
US/Eastern timezone

Electron Trains in LXe TPCs

17 Jul 2018, 16:30
Other Institute

Other Institute

University at Albany, SUNY 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 USA
Talk (12+3min)


Amanda Depoian (Purdue University)


XENON1T is a liquid xenon time projection chamber (TPC) designed to look for elastic recoils of dark matter particles with xenon nuclei. To increase the sensitivity of the experiment, we need to decrease the background in the detector. One background that is specific to low-energy recoils comes from so called single electrons trains that follow interactions in the TPC over time scales of hundreds of milliseconds. To mitigate this background, we first need to understand where it comes from. This talk will discuss different theories for these electron trains and how I test these ideas through analysis of XENON1T data.


Amanda Depoian (Purdue University)

Presentation materials