7 March 2018
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
Europe/London timezone

A mini-workshop aimed at exploring possibilities for precision LHC physics with charged diboson final states

Rationale and goals:

  • Use the EW sector to better understand the SM Higgs boson
  • Use the above as a template for searches for new degrees of freedom similar to the SM Higgs boson
  • Explore the possibilities for precision calculations in this context
  • Explore the impact of top-quark mediated backgrounds to WW final states
  • Design new techniques and come up with new experimental signatures for searches for physics beyond the SM in diboson final states that utilize precision theory and precision measurements.

Background reading:


  • Two talks with plenty of time for discussions.
  • Speakers:
    • Jakob Salfeld-Nebgen (Princeton University)
    • Mathieu Pellen (University Würzburg)


  • JJ Thompson Seminar Room, Floor 2 of the Maxwell building.


  • Attendance is by invitation only. If interested, please contact the organizers by email.


  • Alexander Mitov (Cambridge University)


  • The mini-Workshop is supported by the European Research Council through the Consolidator Grant NNLOforLHC2.
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK