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LCG Experiment Coordination Meeting

28-R-015, 40-R-D-10

28-R-015, 40-R-D-10

Meeting to review the resource and time scheduling of the various test-beds / production setups. ("Service challenges" , Tier0 tests, PPS tests, "the production", ...)

It reviews the known state of the foreseen activities by the experiments, any changes in requirements etc. (as maintained in SC4 site & experiment plans)

It also reviews the weekly service reports which replace the previous combined action list.)

Subscribe to to be kept informed... To join the call, do one of the following: a. Dial +41227676000 (Main) and enter access code 0166222, or b. To have the system call you, click here: (Leader code is 0166111)

Experiment representatives (e.g. Latchezar Betev for ALICE, Gilbert Poulard, Miguel Branco, sometimes Dario Barberis for ATLAS, Michael Ernst, Ian Fisk for CMS, Nick Brook, Philippe Charpentier, Umberto Marconi for LHCb)
EIS team
WLCG Service Coordination team (Jamie, Harry, James, Maarten, Flavia)
Chief Architect (Bernd Panzer)
Olof Barring

    • 14:30 14:40
      Summary of Experiment Activities (as input to Operations meeting) 10m
    • 14:40 14:50
      Experiment resource requirements (and work plans) at all Tier-1 sites (cpu, disk, tape, network in and out, type of work) covering at least 2007Q1 and 2007Q2. 10m
    • 14:50 15:00
      WLCG Service Report 10m

      Weekly FTS report, site-by-site action list.

    • 15:00 15:20
      Experiment Sessions at January 22-26 2007 WLCG Collaboration Workshop 20m
      Full day experiment-specific training sessions are foreseen for Friday, 26 January 2007.

      Please confirm if these sessions are required.

      A pre-booking of 4 rooms in B40 has been made, but not confirmed (as usual).

      • 40-S2-A01
      • 40-S2-B01
      • 40-SS-C01
      • 40-SS-D01
    • 15:20 15:25
      AOB 5m