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CERN IR-ECO - Advatera Meeting

Wednesday 28 March 2018 - 08:30
CERN (3179/R-E06)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
28 Mar 2018
08:30 --- Arrival to CERN, morning coffee ---
09:00 Morning discussion - Volker Grünauer (Advatera)   (3179/R-E06)
09:20 Very short CERN & Ideasquare introduction - Harri Toivonen (Helsinki University of Technology (FI))   (3179/R-E06)
09:30 Cases - Florence Cailler (O-I Europe Sarl) Isabelle Peillon (O-I Europe Sarl)   (3179/R-E06)
10:30 Open discussions - Volker Grünauer (Advatera GmbH)   (3179/R-E06)
11:30 CERN Editorial content - Kate Kahle (CERN)   (3179/R-E06)
12:00 Workshop content planning and generation - Volker Grünauer (Advatera GmbH)   (3179/R-E06)
12:30 --- Lunch & Learn ---
14:00 Communication campaign about cyber security - Claudio Corvaglia (Lafarge Holcim)   (3179/R-E06)
14:30 Open discussions - Volker Grünauer (Advatera GmbH)   (3179/R-E06)
15:00 Wrap up & next meetings   (3179/R-E06)