MPP Meeting - Introduction



1. Introduction to the MPP(Main Ring Magnet Performance Panel) Andrzej Siemko: presented an overview of the goals behind the formation of the MPP. See the presentation on the new web page. • Questions/Answers during presentation: • Q, If QRL is not in the scope of the MPP who is responsible? • Q, Insertion Inner-Triplet, will the USA team be responsible? • A, MEL are managing the , Insertion Inner-Triplet. 2. Global Post-Mortem Analysis Pierre Pugnat; Presented some typical types of data that will need to be analyzed and showed some typical problems that will be encountered. See the presentation on the MPP web page. This tool is well advanced and will be tested later this year in November 2006. 3. Documentation / Procedures Felix Rodriguez Mateos; Presented the documentation procedures that have seen developed for some of the initial startup equipment testing for the LHC machine. See the presentation on the MPP web page. This work has been ongoing for some time (1.5 years). And will need a great deal more work to complete. This is of vital importance! • Questions/Answers during presentation • Q, Resistive magnets who will be responsible • A, this still needs a decision. 4. Regular Meetings After some discussion initially it was agreed that the MPP should meet every two weeks in the Thursday AM. Next meeting: 9:00 Thursday 28th Sep.
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    • 10:00 10:20
      Main Ring Magnet Performance Panel Meeting 20m
      Speaker: Dr Andrzej SIEMKO (CERN AT-MTM)
    • 10:20 10:40
      Global Post Mortem Analysis 20m
      Speaker: Pierre Pugnat (CERN)
    • 10:40 11:00
      LHC Hardware Commissioning - Documentation on Powering Tests 20m
      Speaker: Mr Felix Rodriguez Mateos (CERN)