1–3 Jul 2018
Università di Padova - Orto Botanico
Europe/Zurich timezone

Venue and Practical Information

Vorkshop Venue

The workshop will be held at the "Auditorium" of

Università di Padova
Orto Botanico - Auditorium

Via Orto Botanico, 15
Padova - ITALY


Coffee breaks

Coffee breaks will be offered at the Worshop venue.

Lunches (at participant's own charge)

The LOC is investigating the possibility to have buffet lunch at the workshop venue.

The cost will be Euro 15,00 to be paid cash on site by the participant. Regular receipt will be issued upon payment.

Details on menù will follow.

Due to the rich scientific schedule and time constraints, it is strongly suggested to take advantage of this option. In order to allow a better organization of the service, an expression of interest is required while registering.

Social dinner (at participant's own charge)

The Social Dinner will be held on Monday July 2nd at 8 PM at "Ristorante Caffè Pedrocchi" a prestigious location in the historical center of Padua. The cost is Euro 45,00 to be paid cash or by credit cards on site by the participant. Regular receipt will be issued upon payment.

In order to allow a better organization of the social dinner logistic, an expression of interest is required while registering.

Cultural Guided Visit to the "Orto Botanico"

The Local Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you the guided visit of the Orto Botanico, the oldest in the world of its kind.

The visit will be held on Monday July 2nd, soon after the end of the last scientific session. In order to allow a better organization of the visit, an expression of interest is required while registering.