23–24 May 2019
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

15 / 15
23/05/2019, 09:30
23/05/2019, 09:50
Peter Gronbech (University of Oxford (GB))
24/05/2019, 09:00
Stephen Jones (Liverpool University), Stephen Philip Jones (CERN)
24/05/2019, 09:05
Raul Cardoso Lopes (Brunel University (GB))
24/05/2019, 09:25
Richard Alexander Owen (Queen Mary University of London), Richard Alexander Owen (University of London (GB))
24/05/2019, 10:30
Darren Moore
24/05/2019, 10:50
raul lopes (School of Design and Engineering - Brunel University, UK)
24/05/2019, 11:10
Emanuele Simili (University of Glasgow)
24/05/2019, 13:35
Matthew Doidge (Lancaster University), Matthew Steven Doidge (Lancaster University (GB))
24/05/2019, 13:55
Antonio Perez Fernandez (Royal Holloway University of London)
24/05/2019, 14:45
Vipul Davda (University of Oxford)
24/05/2019, 15:05
Chris Brew (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)), Ian Michael Loader, Ian Michael Loader
24/05/2019, 15:25

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