Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

13–14 Oct 2018
University of Kansas
US/Central timezone

Particle Physics on the Plains will be held on October 13-14, 2018, at the University of Kansas. The workshop facilitates a discussion about the latest results in particle phenomenology and theory among  particle theorists in the region.

September 9, 2018  There are funds available to help support lodging for students and postdocs who give talks. To be eligible for these funds students/postdocs must register, submit a talk abstract, and indicate a preferred roommate by 5:00 pm CDT September 9, 2018.  Further details are on the registration and accommodation pages.

September 12, 2018  Deadline for hotel reservation under our group rate.  Information can be found on the accommodation page.

September 28, 2018 Registration closes at 5:00 pm CDT.

Lunch on Saturday, coffee breaks, and a simple breakfast will be provided for during the workshop.

Invited Keynote Speaker: Prof. Carlos Wagner (Univ. of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory)

This workshop is supported in part by the Research Excellence Initiative of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Kansas, US-DOE, and the University of Kansas Department of Physics & Astronomy.

Previous year's website:  2017

University of Kansas
1160 Integrated Science Building
Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Kansas Malott Hall Lawrence, KS