RooStats tutorials

40-S2-A01 (CERN)



Tutorials on the use of the RooStats package for statistical data analysis in the LHC experiments. RooStats is a ROOT package based on RooFit that allows to perform statistical data analysis. The tutorials will be based on the latest development version of ROOT (5.25.04 which will be released on Nov 25). Participants are required for the hands-on session to bring their own laptop. They must have either the ROOT version 5.25.04 ( installed in their computer or being able to connect to lxplus. The training are organized as lectures and exercises and they will be held at CERN. There will be tutors to help the participants with the exercises. Registration is required (but the lectures can be followed through EVO without registration) and open to anyone at CERN. The number of participants is limited but the tutorials will be repeated in the future for those that couldn't attend this session. EVO: RooStats tutorial (Universe)
Course web site (for your logbook entries)
How to play back the recordings
Lectures on statistical methods by Luca Lista
RooStats wiki page