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163rd SPS and LHC Machine Protection Panel Meeting

774/1-079 (CERN)



Show room on map
Daniel Wollmann (CERN), Jorg Wenninger (CERN)

More information you can find on website of the SPS and LHC Machine Protection Panel.

External references
    • 10:00 10:30
      MKB re-triggering: motivation, technical implementation, reliability analysis and expected energy deposition on dump block as function of triggering delay between MKBs and MKDs 30m
      Speaker: Christoph Wiesner (CERN)
    • 10:30 10:50
      AOB: Abort Gap Keeper - protection of fine delay parameter - TBC 20m
      Speakers: Jorg Wenninger (CERN), Nicolas Magnin (CERN)
    • 10:50 11:10
      AOB: all 20m
      Speakers: Daniel Wollmann (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN), Jorg Wenninger (CERN), Markus Zerlauth (CERN), Matthieu Valette (CERN)