30–31 May 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Contribution List

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Rende Steerenberg (CERN)
30/05/2018, 08:45
Seema Sharma (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
30/05/2018, 09:10
Fabio Ravera (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
30/05/2018, 09:40
Harris Kagan (Ohio State University (US))
30/05/2018, 10:00
Michael Moll (CERN)
30/05/2018, 10:20
Antoine Marzin (CERN)
30/05/2018, 11:00
Sarah Porteboeuf (Université Clermont Auvergne (FR))
30/05/2018, 11:30
Leszek Ropelewski (CERN)
30/05/2018, 12:00
Alex Pearce (CERN)
30/05/2018, 12:20
Jorgen Christiansen (CERN)
30/05/2018, 12:50

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