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HL-LHC Higgs Yellow Report Preparation

40/S2-A01 - Salle Anderson (CERN)

40/S2-A01 - Salle Anderson


Show room on map
    • 16:00 16:10
      Introduction and YR plans 10m
      Speakers: Maria Cepeda Hermida (CERN), Marumi Kado (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Philip Ilten (University of Birmingham (GB))
    • 16:10 16:30
      Experimental systematic scenarios ATLAS 20m
      Speaker: Simone Pagan Griso (University of California Berkeley (US))
    • 16:30 16:50
      Experimental systematics scenarios CMS 20m
      Speaker: Maria Cepeda Hermida (CERN)
    • 16:50 17:10
      Main modelling systematics 20m
    • 17:10 17:30
      Analysis wishlist status ATLAS 20m
      Speaker: Marianna Testa (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
    • 17:30 17:50
      Analysis wishlist status CMS 20m
      Speaker: Predrag Milenovic (CERN)
    • 17:50 18:10
      Analysis wishlist status LHCb 20m
    • 18:10 18:40
      YR Outline Discussion and Editorial Plans 30m