Jun 11 – 12, 2019
CC-IN2P3 Lyon
Europe/Zurich timezone

The XRootD workshop brings together the XRootD developers and people from Academia, Research, and Industry to discuss current and future data access activities as related to the XRootD framework. Presentations focus on achievements, shortcomings, requirements and future plans for XRootD.

CC-IN2P3 Lyon
21 avenue Pierre de Coubertin CS70202 69627 Villeurbanne cedex France

Please note that there is a 48 euro registration fee that covers coffee breaks and lunch on Wednesday. Payment must be made by visiting https://www.azur-colloque.fr/DR07/inscription/inscription/235 after registering here; thank you.

Please be aware that we have a HARD DEADLINE for payment. Registration and payment MUST be done by May 28, 2019 due to catering logistics.

Make sure you bring your official identity document to IN2P3 (e.g. passport). for building access as required by Plan Vigipirate in France.