We invite you to join the NuSTEC workshop on Shallow- and Deep-Inelastic Scattering. The workshop will concentrate on the oft-overlooked W-region in neutrino scattering from just beyond the Delta resonance up through the transition into DIS. Not only is the physics in this kinematic region quite intriguing, it is also important for current and future oscillation experiments such as NOvA and DUNE as well as atmospheric neutrino studies at SK and HK.
This workshop will take place from 11 - 13 October, 2018 just before and in the same location (GSSI, L'Aquila, Italy) as NuInt18 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/703880/), facilitating travel arrangements.
The registration fee for the three-day workshop will be € 30 for students and € 50 for everyone else. Financial support to cover all or part of hotel costs for a limited number of participants will be available. If you wish to apply for this support please contact nustec@fnal.gov before 15 August.
Here is the current list of main discussion topics:
1: General introduction and considerations from non-neutrino communities.
1-A Introduction to SIS/DIS Theory and Models
1-B e-A community studies of the SIS/DIS region
2: Generator / Transport treatments of the SIS and DIS region.
2-A: Improved Rein-Sehgal Model above the Delta
2-B: Status of the Bodek-Yang Model
2-C: Generator/Transport Treatments, GiBUU, GENIE, NEUT, NuWRO
2-D: Generator Comparison of SIS/DIS treatment- Overview
3: Sensitivity of oscillation parameters to the SIS and DIS region.
3-A: NOvA
3-B: Atmospheric Neutrino Studies, SuperK and HyperK
4: Resonant and non-resonant pion production with W > Delta
4-A: Isobar models of resonance production
4-B: Dynamical coupled-channel models
4-C: pi-nucleon scattering community studies
4-D: Experimental nu-A higher-W pion production studies
5: The transition from SIS to DIS
5-A: Duality in e-nucleon / nucleus scattering
5-B: Duality in neutrino nucleus scattering
5-C: Higher Twist and Duality in the SIS/DIS transition
5-D: Chiral Field and Regge theory in the transition region
6: Nuclear modifications of structure functions and nuclear PDFs
6-A: Nuclear Medium Effects on Structure Functions I
6-B: Nuclear Medium Effects on Structure Functions II
6-C: nPDFs from e/mu-A and nu-A scattering I
6-D: nPDFs from e/mu-A and nu-A scattering II
6-E: MINERvA results of Inclusive and DIS on nuclear targets
7: Hadronization in the nuclear environment
7-A: Lund hadronization model
7-B: Hadronization models in neutrino event generators
7-C: Hadronization in FLUKA