19–23 Apr 2010
Europe/Lisbon timezone

EGEE Site Deployment: The UMinho-CP case study

21 Apr 2010, 11:00


AV. DO BRASIL, 101 1700-066 LISBOA


Mr Tiago Sá (Uminho)


EGEE is a dynamic organism with requirements that constantly evolve over time. The deployment of UMinho-CP - an EGEE site supporting Civil Protection related activities -, revealed new challenges, some of which were overcome till now, while others are planned for future work. A great effort has been made to automate the distribution, installation and configuration of an EGEE site, for efficient deployment and maintenance, making each site an agile intervenient of the European-wide grid infrastructure.


This presentation is a retrospective of the Uminho-CP deployment and administration, how new ideas were implemented, and how they were used to tackle the evolutionary nature of the EGEE infrastructure.
The suggested implementation covers all aspects of the deployment of an EGEE site, from hardware to software and human resources.
UMinho-CP is fully supported by a set of Virtual Machines, running ScientificLinux[Cern] as guest Operating System, replacing the original Rocks distribution, RHEL, to better support gLite middleware requirements.
The EGEE roll - a self-contained software package feature, based on Rocks Clusters -, was created in order to install and configure a cluster to be part of the EGEE infrastructure. The results of the continuous development of the EGEE roll are presented. While the early version was focused on the installation and initial configuration of an EGEE site, current work aims to arm administrators with easy and efficient ways to perform the most common administration tasks. The transition to the new gLite 3.2 middleware and 64bit-only architecture is also under heavy development, to ease the transition effort that site administrators will have to undertake.
This EGEE deployment example shall be useful, both to existing site administrators, as also for new players of the European Grid Initiative community.


Mr Tiago Sá (Uminho)


Prof. António Pina (Uminho) Mr Bruno Oliveira (Uminho)

Presentation materials