26–30 Nov 2018
Europe/Vienna timezone

Flavor mixed sleptons and its consequences at 1-loop level

28 Nov 2018, 17:20


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Non-Invited Talk [6] Supersymmetry Supersymmetry


Dr Melina Gomez Bock (Universidad de las Américas Puebla)


We present a specific flavor symmetry structure in the MSSM in the trilinear soft terms at a SUSY breaking scale, exploring the consequences of it in flavor violation processes for the charged leptonic sector. Specifically we calculate at 1-loop level $BR(\tau \to \mu \gamma)$ and $BR(h^0\to \tau \mu)$ in connection with possible solutions of anomalous magnetic moment of the muon problem. Considering non-universality in sleptons mass and states we obtained an enlarged parameter space with respect to constrained MSSM.

Content of the contribution Both

Primary authors

Dr Myriam Mondragon (IFUNAM) Dr Francisco Flores Baez (FCFM, UANL) Mr Rafael Espinosa Castañeda (ITESM) Dr Melina Gomez Bock (Universidad de las Américas Puebla)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
