ROOT Summer Student Workshop

593/R-010 - Salle 11 (CERN)

593/R-010 - Salle 11


Show room on map

ROOT is a framework for data analysis, storage and visualization. It is widely used in High Energy Physics and other disciplines.

This three hours tutorial comprises a front lecture and hands on exercises. It will be driven by slides which will present to the students all the basic concepts and tools ROOT provides.

Link to the course:


Instructions to be read carefully

Please note that all participants must bring their own laptop to the workshop and, if possible, install ROOT beforehand: no time will be dedicated to the installation of ROOT.

ROOT version 6.14 will be used during the tutorial: other versions will not be adequate. The Windows release is in alpha mode and will not be adequate.

If you don't manage to install ROOT on your machine, you will be using the version available on the lxplus7 cluster. In this case, please make sure you can establish a graphics ssh connection to using your CERN account (ssh -XY
Please note that we have 50 places for this workshop. Interested students who could not sign up, could check the registration regularly in case of cancellations. 

Some of the exercises will be done on SWAN, CERN's Jupyter Notebook service. For using this service, a CERNBox is required: just log into to create one.

Registration ROOT
60 / 60
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