30 June 2018 to 4 July 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
Looking forward to see you all Saturday!



The Hackathon will encourage multi-disciplinary teams to develop new ways to use AI for the betterment of our shared culture - improving access, diversity, representation, and familiarity with culture in all forms.

Duration and Timing

The AI for Culture Hackathon will take place over 3 days during the CineGlobe Festival, ideally situated at CERN’s innovation space IdeaSquare. The culminating evening will take place at the Globe of Science and Innovation during CineGlobe’s AI Public Event.


Both institutions and individuals will be invited to participate, encouraging a mix backgrounds, from technologists to those working in the arts and culture sector. The event will also aim for demographic diversity in all ways (gender, race, background, and age).


Participants will form teams working on several possible projects. At the end of the hackathon, participants will present their project concepts (and possible mockups or prototypes). After receiving feedback from a group of experts, they will have several weeks to refine their projects before presenting them at the CineGlobe festival in July.