LCG Generator Services project planning meeting

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VRVS appointment in Mars Virtual Room that belongs to Planets/Universe community: Title: "LCG Generator Services"
Minutes of LCG Generator Services project planning meeting 20-Oct-2006 ----------- People attending: WP (Witek Pokorski) PM (Pere Mato) GC (Gabriele Cosmo) TS (Torbjorn Sjostrand) MM (Michelangelo Mangano) MK (Mikhail Kirsanov) AM (Andreas Morsch) Patrick Robbe AR (Alberto Ribon) People attending remotely: PR (Peter Richardson) FK (Frank Krauss) LL (Leif Lonnblad) BK (Borut Kersevan) LD (Lev Dudko) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizational matters: All the partipants agreed on the following: The purpose of the meeting is to plan and monitor the progress of the Generator Services project. Representatives of all stakeholders should be present. Meeting will take place every 6 months. Minutes will be first distributed internally and then made public to serve as the main project planning document. No further suggestions concerning other potential participants of the meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Review of the project mandate : All the participants agreed that the project should continue under the original mandate but the priorities should be re-discussed. FK and PR mentioned that in particular MCDB and HepPDT should be low priority items and more effort should be invested in testing. These points were discussed later on. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roles and expectations: All participants agreed on the general content of the presented table (Slide 11). MM and FK commented the user support item by saying that they prefer to know all the problems and bugs, to have a complete picture, even if some of them will be dealt by the Generator Service. Currently the list of problems is reported in the GENSER Release Notes, but probably it would be more convenient in the future to collect them in a Web page, accessible to anyone (in particular the authors). WP pointed out that a dedicated Savannah portal has been created. GC suggested to have a kind of "hypernews" forum, distinct from the bug tracker, to discuss or collect all the problems, but no decision was taken on that matter. It was agreed, however, that all the problems relevant to the authors will be forwarded and eventually submitted to their bug tracking systems (if existing). MM commented that authors are getting a number of useful feedback outside CERN, e.g. from Fermilab experiments. It would be useful that the Generator Service could setup a web page, or any other useful tool, that allows each MC authors to collect and update all these extra information which can be useful also for LHC people. WP suggested that the created Savannah portal can be used for that purpose. It was agreed that this issue will certainly be followed. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Work-packages: 1) GENSER All the participants agreed on the proposed changes, i.e. to move away from SCRAM and to use native build methods/systems. The generators will be built using the approach that is used now for the external software, in the dedicated directory 'external/MCGenerators'. The Generator Services team is starting the migration to the new structure right now in order to be able to provide to the experiments all the required generators before the end of year 2006. WP suggested to review the list of used generators and prioritize it (high/normal priority). ACTION: experiments were asked to provide prioritized lists of the generators that they need (by 27 October 2006). TS suggested that it would be good to have a list of all availble generators version with labels like 'recommended', 'deprecated', 'not tested', etc. It was agreed that such a list will be created and accessible from the web page. The issue of EvtGen was raised by PR. It was agreed that Generator Services should take care of converging to a single version. Comment from BK about the release cycle. Experiments would realy like to have new versions (especially with bug fixes) of generators available with a delay of max few days. The 'continous' release cycle, therefore, was considered as a good idea. Comment from MK concerning the new GENSER CVS. In the cases like Pythia 6, where the code comes in one big file, Generator Services team split it in a few files and build several libraries. It was agreed that in such cases the 'split' code will be put in the new GENSER CVS to keep track of the applied procedures. 2) Generators testing and validation All the participants agreed that validation is vital and that it should be considered as a high priority issue. It was agreed that the authors either provide or at least suggest the tests that should be carried out regularly by the Generator Service. There was a discussion about possible inclusion of specific tests performed by the experiments. It was agreed that moving all the experiments' test to Generator Services validation would create a maintenance problem and therefore should not be done. On the other hand, as TS suggested, a number of representative tests (particularly relevant for specific experiments) could be added to the list of the tests performed by Generator Services. Patrick said that he would inform us about the tests that LHCb was using. The general opinion was that tests expected from the Generator Service should be mainly regression tests, i.e. comparisons of numbers, or histograms, between different versions. Physics Validation, i.e. validation on data, should be left mainly to the experiments and authors. ACTION: authors and experiments were asked to revise the list of tests performed now in GENSER and suggests additional ones that should be done It was agreed that the test will be documented on the web page with possible links to some files containing the output. 3) Event record and particle properties table ATLAS, CMS and LHCb acknowledged that they were using HepMC as the OO event record and that they were expecting LCG to continue to support it. It was agreed that no changes in the project were required concerning HepMC. In the same time it was pointed out by BK and FM that experiments (ATLAS and CMS) are finding bugs the generator-to-HepMC 'translators' and that those should be tested by someone. It was agreed that the Generator Services team will do that work by extending the tests done in GENSER to cover also the testing of HepMC 'translators'. There was a discussion on HepPDT which indicated yet again that a new solution needed to be found. FK, PR and TS stated that Herwig/Sherpa/Pythia will not link to any external packages in order to get particle data and therefore does not plan to support HepPDT. Moreover, it would be very difficult to converge to a unique solution as far as the decay modes are concerned. This point of view was shared by several participants. On the other it was clear that the experiments needed a mechanism to set the masses and the lifetimes of particles to be the same in different generators they use as well as in Geant4 and in other parts of the event processing software. As TS suggested a possible solution would be to have a list of masses and lifetimes (not decay modes), in a simple text format, which should be updated regularly and regarded as the reference for all the simulation software. WP suggested that a technical meeting devoted to that subject should be organized. 4) First level support and communication (see comments in 'Roles and expectations') TS pointed out that the definition of Level-1 support was not clear. WP answered that the role of Level-1 support would be to act as the contact point for all the requests and reports from the LHC experiments related to MC generators. Generator Services would then deal with those issues that can be solved without the involvement of the authors. As agreed during the earlier discussion, the authors would be kept informed about all the reports and requests also those handled by the Generator Services. WP said that the web page will be further improved. In particular there will be a list of generators and their version numbers with labels like 'recommended', 'deprecated', 'not tested' etc (following the suggestion by TS). There will also be a link to a page with all the tests and validation performed. General comment about the proposal of tutorials (done by the authors addressed to individual experiments): the proposal is good and interesting for both the authors and the experiments, but the involvement of Generator Services is most likely not needed. 5) Event database (MCDB) FM: CMS wants to use MCBD WP: MCDB seems to be ready to use. Remaining key issues should be solved by the end of 2006. BK: MCDB is not high in the list of priorities for ATLAS. ATLAS will not use MCDB in production. ATLAS would prefer to see more testing/validation on the generators. Patrick: No interest in MCDB for LHCb. FK and PR again expressed opinion that the effort in the first priority should be put in the validation of generators and not MCDB. Comment from LD (sent by email after the meeting): numbers on slide 32 concerning the effort invested in MCDB were misleading due to the fact that they were not taking into account the planning over the entire year. Because of some administrative problems, the effort invested in MCDB has been concentrated in the last quarter of the current year. The overall effort invested in MCDB has been in fact at the same level as the effort invested in GENSER. Comment from PM: question is whether Generator Services should invest effort in any further development of MCDB. WP: Taking into account the feedback so far the answer is 'no'. ACTION: resource providers are asked next year to reduce the available effort dedicated to MCDB and move it to GENSER and to the validation of generators --------------------------------------------------------------------- Milestones: The proposed milestones were accepted by all the participants. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Manpower: It was stressed by FK that the planning for the next year should take into account the low priority assigned to MCDB and high priority assigned to GENSER and validation. WP agreed and said that he would move effort from MCDB to the validation of generators. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Meetings: The proposed meeting schedule was accepted by the participants. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Final remarks: No further comments from the participants concerning the project planning. Generator Services team expects: 1) feedback from the experiments regarding the list of generators, and their versions, that are currently needed, and the distinction between "high priority" and "normal priority" between the various generators. 2) feedback from the MC authors and experiments about the list of tests.
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    • 09:30 12:30
      Planning meeting