Next Generation Beam Position Acquisition and Feedback Systems
Workshop Contributions Summary.pdf
We are pleased to announce the Joint ARIES Workshop on Electron and Hadron Synchrotrons: “Next Generation Beam Position Acquisition and Feedback Systems”, which will be held at ALBA Synchrotron from November 12 - 14, 2018.
The workshop is a common project between Work Packages WP8.3 and WP8.4 of the ADA-ARIES EU funded programme and its organization is shared between ALBA and CERN.
BPMs DAQs and Feedback Systems experts from both communities will have the possibility to present the status of their developments, learn from the other experts, discuss about the challenges that both communities face for the next generation machines and enhance synergies between the two communities.
The program includes specific sessions for Hadron and Electron synchrotrons, as well as plenary sessions for both communities:
- Monday Nov. 12th: Hadron BPM Analog and Digital Electronics
- Tuesday Nov. 13th: Orbit feedback systems for Hadron and Electron Synchrotrons
- Wednesday Nov. 14th: Feedback Systems for Electron Synchrotrons
The venue will be the "Hotel Exe Campus" in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona). It is located inside the UAB University campus, at a walk distance from ALBA Synchrotron facility and with direct train connection to Barcelona downtown.
There is no registration fee. Lunches and coffee breaks are covered by the Organization.
Suggestions for presentation should be sent to the chairpersons.