Wouter Verkerke
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
17/09/2018, 14:00
Graeme Stewart
17/09/2018, 15:45
Glen Cowan
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
18/09/2018, 09:00
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
18/09/2018, 11:00
Danilo Piparo
18/09/2018, 14:00
Danilo Piparo
18/09/2018, 16:00
Tommaso Dorigo
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
19/09/2018, 09:00
Sascha Mehlhase
(Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
19/09/2018, 09:10
Leonardo Alfonsi
19/09/2018, 09:40
Discovering researchers and research inventing or adapting communication formats to be used in science events.
From TVgames to improbable conversations some examples of outreach activities effectively used during science events such as science festival and the European Researchers' Night.
Arnaud Marsollier
19/09/2018, 10:10
Jonathan Butterworth
(University College London (UK))
19/09/2018, 11:00
Claire Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
19/09/2018, 11:30
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Melbourne (AU))
19/09/2018, 12:00
Patrick Koppenburg
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
19/09/2018, 12:30
Matteo Polettini
19/09/2018, 14:30
Dario Menasce
(Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
19/09/2018, 15:00
Joao Antunes Pequenao
19/09/2018, 15:30
James Beacham
(Ohio State University (US))
19/09/2018, 16:20
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US)),
Tommaso Dorigo
(Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))
19/09/2018, 16:50
THis session is chaired by Athina Zampara, PO of the INSIGHTS and AMVA4NewPhysics networks. All speakers are invited to a round-table discussion of the outreach actions described during the day
Glen Cowan
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
20/09/2018, 09:00
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
20/09/2018, 11:00
Lorenzo Moneta
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
20/09/2018, 14:00
Glen Cowan
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
21/09/2018, 09:00
Sergei Gleyzer
(University of Florida (US))
21/09/2018, 11:00
Wouter Verkerke
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
21/09/2018, 14:00