Alexandre Lossent
03/10/2018, 10:45
History of the GitLab project at CERN
Some numbers about CERN's GitLab instance
How CERN deploys and operates GitLab
High-level use cases
Lukas Alexander Heinrich
(New York University (US))
03/10/2018, 11:00
Overview on how we use gitlab + kubernetes within ATLAS to drive reusable research
Nacho Barrientos Arias
03/10/2018, 11:10
Paolo Durante
03/10/2018, 11:20
How we rely on GitLab-CI to produce:
- the FPGA firmware for our custom data acquisition hardware
- the custom software and drivers to access it
- the SCADA middleware to control and configure it
Zsolt Kovari
(Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR))
03/10/2018, 11:30
Overview on
- how we plan to migrate a huge SVN repository to GitLab (20+ MLOC, 1000+ products)
- how to keep the illusion of a monorepo among thousand of git repositories
- how to keep the code base coherent and clean
- how to administer thousand of projects
- how GitLab helps or does not help our use cases
Job van der Voort
03/10/2018, 11:40
03/10/2018, 14:30
Topics: see attached Hackmd note
Depending on how many persons want to participate, this will take place in 31-S-028 (up to 30 persons) or IT auditorium
Kamil Trzciński
03/10/2018, 15:30