Workshop: An engineering perspective on risk assessment: from theory to practice

80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor (CERN)

80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


Route de Meyrin 385, 1217 Meyrin, Switzerland
Show room on map
Saverio La Mendola (CERN)

The workshop "An engineering perspective on risk assessment: from theory to practice" will be held at CERN on 26-27 November 2018.

The aim of the workshop is to share knowledge between risk assessment researchers and practitioners on different types of hazards and to raise awareness on this topic. 

The first day is public but registration is needed (limited number of places). During the day, presentations will be delivered on some of the following topics:

- quantitative risk analysis;
- risk acceptance criteria;
- uncertainty in risk assessment;
- optimisation and cost-effectiveness for risk mitigation.
The second day is by invitation only. In the morning, the CERN HSE Fire Safety Engineering Team will introduce the participants to the FIRIA (Fire Induced Radiological Integrated Assessment) project; discussions and feedback will follow. During the afternoon, technical visits to some of CERN's unique facilities will be organised. 
Organising Committee:
Saverio La Mendola (HSE-OHS-XP)
Marco Andreini (HSE-OHS-XP)
Art Arnalich (HSE-OHS-XP)
Fabio Corsanego (HSE-OHS-XP)
Giordana Gai (HSE-OHS-XP)
Oriol Rios (HSE-OHS-XP)
Jodie Ridewood (HSE-OHS)
Deadline for accommodation at CERN Hostel: 25th October 2018
Deadline for registration: 18th November 2018
Book of Abstracts
  • Alejandro Martinez Selles
  • Alexandre Broche
  • Ana-Paula Bernardes
  • anders gudmundsson
  • Andre Augustinus
  • Andrea Gaddi
  • Andreas Witzig
  • Andrei Horvat
  • Anna Suwalska
  • Arash Khodabandeh
  • Art Arnalich
  • Borja Fernandez Adiego
  • Carlos Arregui
  • Chris Salter
  • Christelle Gaignant
  • Christina Tsiplaki Spiliopoulou
  • Cristina Penades Huesca
  • Dan Madsen
  • Daniel Darvas
  • Elsa Pastor
  • Emanuele Gissi
  • Enrique Blanco Vinuela
  • Eric Tonicello
  • Estelle FONTAINE
  • Eulalia Planas
  • Fabian Saretzki
  • Fabio Corsanego
  • Federica Ovidi
  • Felix Oldani
  • Florence Pirotte
  • Francesco Dragoni
  • Francesco Saverio Ciani
  • Francesco Valentini
  • Frederic Magnin
  • Fredrik Jörud
  • Gabriele Landucci
  • Gianluca De Sanctis
  • Giordana Gai
  • Gregor Jäger
  • Gunnar Lindell
  • Han Yuan
  • Helen Boyer
  • Håkan Frantzich
  • Iunio Iervolino
  • Jason Floyd
  • Javier Cuadrado
  • Jean-Charles Tournier
  • Joaquim Casal
  • José Guadalupe Rangel Ramírez
  • Juan Garcia Perez
  • Katharina Fischer
  • Kevin McGrattan
  • Letizia Di Giulio
  • Louis-Frederic Andre
  • Luca Bruno
  • Luca Dassa
  • maccaud raphael
  • Marc Nas
  • Marco Andreini
  • Mario Valero
  • Markus Spiegl
  • Melania Averna
  • Michael DOLE
  • Michael Havbro Nielsen
  • Michael Kretschmann
  • Miriam Munoz
  • Nicholas Bartlett
  • Olga Beltramello
  • Oriol Rios
  • Owain Edwyn Williams
  • Paolo Gardoni
  • Patrycja Gorniak
  • Pavlos Vardoulakis
  • Pierre durand
  • piotr tofilo
  • Roberto Speroni
  • Saverio La Mendola
  • Silvia Grau
  • simon Cherault
  • Simon Marsh
  • Simon Santamaria
  • Steve Hutchins
  • Sven Mohr
  • Thierry Meyer
  • Thomas Hulin
  • Thomas Otto
  • Timo Hakulinen
  • Valentin ALGOET
  • Valeria Suslova-Tofilo
  • Vilhelm Malmborg
  • Vincent Ricodeau
  • Vincenzo Cascioli